I didnt but my son did. He came home all upset. The reader told him that his father was going to die in three days. He got me to go to the doctors for a check up, but i got a clean bill of health. He fuused over me heaps, talked to me a lot, kept making sure that I was OK. Then on the third day, he kept ringing me all day, every 10-15 minutes. I was fine. When I got home he rushed up to me, hugged me, he was glad to see me. I assured him I was still OK. No problem.
I went into the kitchen to see my wife, she was glad to see me home safely too. I asked about her day, she had had a lousy day. I asked her why? She said that when she went to check our post box, here on the sidewalk was our postman......dead!!
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I have had my cards read, by a competent reader. If half of what she said turns out, it is going to be a fantastic future. BTW nothing about the world ending and only a small group survivng!