Well I got into poop with my wife once again. I don't know how this happens. We were watching the news and a story came up about Mothers Day and how all their sons and daughters were so happy and taking their Mother out on their "special day" My wife started to smile at this happy news story and I could see a crack start to appear in her dubbiness. In a moment of panic I commented "filthy godless heathens" and her "dubiness" came back in a second.
She got grumpy at me for some reason or another and stomped out of the room. She should realise that I was looking after her own best interests. If she starts to like Mother's Day were would that lead? Father's day might be next (not mine) She already celebrates our Daughter's birthday even though it has been moved to our Anniversary date. Valentines anyone ??
Uncle Joe (Rutherford) was quite firm about how we were to treat women.They were nothing more than a hank of hair and a sack of bones.
You could not raise your hat to them (old days) because that was giving them glory that did not belong to them and it was a plot of Satan.I don't think he ever held a door for them either which would explain why his wife and him didn't seem to live together.
I think I have saved my wife from falling out of the "truth"™ for the moment but I sense her faith might be weakening....