hi i have just started researching the jehovahs witnesses for my own personal reasons. I know that there is a discussion board for practicing jehovahs witness, if anyone could give me the adress for that i would really appreciate it. also any other web pages good or bad about the witnesses that you could give me would be good. also one other thing, what exactly is bethel, and the watchtower farms. do people live there? cant find any information about either on the watchtower sites. well anyway thank you very much in advance for any help.
need some info
by lrtltr 5 Replies latest jw friends
I know that there is a discussion board for practicing jehovahs witness
Yer on it. We don't discriminate. There's JW in all stages of association that use this board.
You'll learn much more about the JW on this board than you will on say, a board that's moderated to make sure the public sees only the very best about the JW.
Lisa -
* http://www.witnessesonline.com/
These are the pro-witness sites you said in chat earlier tonight that you wanted. They present one view of this group.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
The wt site is at http://www.watchtower.org/
Watchtower farms are where they grow witnesses. Miraculously, every mornong little seeds appear in the farm nursery. They call these seeds 'manna seeds', because they appear like the manna did. These are planted in the fields and given special nutrient solutions. The nutrient is sprinkled on every day. It must be done every day or poor quality jw's arise, such as apostates. It is almost impossible for the supervisors to tell the diference between damaged and correct specimens. Unfortunately these flawed ones take many years to reveal themselves.
The solution ingrediants are varied depending on the type of jw that is needed. Regular publishers get the regular nutrient. Circuit overseers get a much higher quality of nutrient. Obviously, when a new govering body member is needed, only the purest, superefined elixers would be fed the seed. Growing governing body seeds are monitored 24 hours a day by rather large ministerial servants.
As the seeds sprout and grow, pods form. After reaching a preset size and color, they are collected and placed in atmosphere controled incubators. Here round the clock tender loving care is lavished on the developing jw pods by young faithful pioneer sisters. They must have these qualities, lest the quiescent dubs pick up doubt or individualist vibes in their state of vulnerabilty. This would render all the many months of toil for naught.
-To be continued-
and here are some sites that present some other views
* http://www.eskimo.com/~jcw/jcw97.html
* http://caic.org.au/jws/misleadi.htm
* http://thebereans.frontpew.com/p_jw.htm
* http://watchtower.observer.org/
These will keep you busy for awhile
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
By watchtower standards I am a mushroom. I was kept in the dark and fed sh*&."Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford