Conservative v Liberal power struggle in JWs

by dozy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    From my reading of Ray Franz's books , it would seem that there was an underlying conflict in the late 70's , with some members of the GB and associated committees pursuing a more liberal , mainstream agenda. For example , Ray published his 1976 WT article defining "sacred service" as including "good works" such as looking after family members and charitable activities and Ed Dunlap published the excellent "Commentary to the Letter of James" (never quoted nowadays by the WTS) stressing traditional Christian qualities. Both were purged in the late 70's.

    Is it likely that a similar movement will gain ascendancy or do we assume that the present leadership will continue on the "high control" agenda?

  • metatron

    If you want the correct "take" on what's going on, consider something from a college business course: it's called senescense marketing.

    You have an old brand name like Ovaltine or Burma Shave and it's clearly fading. So, you cut back on expenses and let it run off

    into disappearance. You make what money you can with it and let it go.

    I think Watchtower leaders are increasingly cynical about publishers and nothing says this better than the utter lack of response

    to years of internal decay and external challenge by the internet. They generally aren't reacting , aside from the perfunctory

    fingerwaving, and that says it all.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Met might have it right on this one. They may be willing to 'cut losses' - accepting that a large fall away will dwindle the organization down to a loyal core of 'I will swallow anything' automatons.

    That could explain the lack of interest, even the aggressive 'let's rid ourselves of the troublemakers' attitude.

    As far as liberal vs conservative - can you define what that means under a religious cloak?


  • NewYork44M
    You make what money you can with it and let it go

    This is the "cash cow" approach to marketing. You have a product that does not have long-term growth potential but currently makes money. The generally accepted strategy is not to change the product or make substantial investments in its growth. Just hang on as long as it generates cash but be prepared to let it go.

  • willyloman
    As far as liberal vs conservative - can you define what that means under a religious cloak?

    I always thought there were two "camps" among the dubs. I referred to them as hard-liners and soft-liners, as opposed to the liberal/conservative labels that carry a lot of baggage. I suppose the hard-liners - those "strict constructionists" who insisted on going by the book and who made such good company men - would be considered the conservatives in this equation. The soft-liners - those who put people and their welfare above organizational concerns - would be considered more liberal.

    There certainly was such a power struggle. The hard-line conservatives won.

  • greendawn

    Somehow the conservatives always seem to have the upper hand and it's amazing how a handful of these can dictate to everyone their policies for so long. Could there be more than just Jaracz and his handful of henchmen directing this devious organisation?

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