Thank you all for the warm welcome! It has been so hard living, believeing that I am an anomaly. I realize that there are others out there who have lived and expierenced what I have. But to see it in balck and white it calms my turbulant emotions.
I have gone through feeling of guilt, sadness, grief and now ANGER.
Anger because I have been doing some research and know now that some forms of blood are accepted, after thousands died, you can have transplants, use blood recirculating machines, vote!
WTF!! Where did all this "New Light" come from and how does the Society say that these things are ok now? How can they when the GB are sopossed to be 'guided' by Jehovah? What? was God mistaken? What explaintion does the society give when they claim 'New Light' what about Deut 18:22, EX. 23:1. Where does this profusion of new teachings come from?
I am shocked and appaled that this org. let millions die and now change their minds.
For those of you who do not know I left the Org. in 1990 (drifted) because of some horrible occurances I expierenced. I have just started to research my questions about the society because of the fear that was instilled in me as a child.
I have just received Crisis of Conscience,by Raymond Franz. You know what I'm afraid to read it. WHY are their teachings still so strong in my mind? HELP!!!! Dam I cant stand this waffling on my own part. Sorry for rambling on and on but I have so many questions. And I'm sure you guys are tired of answering them. For I know I must not be the first to post such questions.
Thanks again for the warm reception!
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.