I addressed it to a couple of elders. One elder I feel I can trust and one elder is in the Congregation I used to attend.....*COUGH* still assigned to....It is just a letter which expresses my concerns and doubts and personal issues with the WTS and congregation(s) I did not go it to much detail but it should be enough for them to at least understand my veiw point. I have asked if they could reply to me...or at least make some kind of comment...even if it to just try and ease my doubts and concerns. I explained it was not a DA letter but if I still feel unsatisfied and my doubts and concerns have not been eased, then I will have no choice but to DA myself. I kept letter polite, yet to the point but I have a funny feeling they might claim I have become apostate and set me up with a JC with the view to DF me.
I just wrote a 6 page letter
by Kero-kero 4 Replies latest jw friends
Good luck Kero-Kero.
I applaud you for being courageous and writing your letter. They should be contacting you shortly - unless someone's on vacation. Maybe you'll be lucky and have your book study cond. and another bro. come. Ones that know you better.
Keep us up to date.
The elder I feel I can trust as not contacted me yet...but I know he is busy. The second elder...who is also PO for the congregation I used to attend told his wife about the letter...how do I know....his wife was at my home, and before I even arrived home he had told her over the phone and she told my wife...so much for c onfidentiality. My wife then started to demand to see the letter. I had a third copy which I printed for myself, so I let her see it...she then started to speak to her father (her parents are staying with us for a few months) Her father is an elder back in Karachi, Pakistan, and then he asked my wife if he could see the copy....I was so angry at all this....it was meant to be between myself and the other two elders...So anyway...I let my father-in-law read the letter...I have nothing to hide...unlike the WTS. Anyway, later on the evening I am told that three elders are coming to visit me.....Sounds like a JC to me.
Kero kero -
Nothing is confidential in the org. Yep, you're probably right. You've got a date at the war room. And that too will spread around like wild fire.
Good luck.
Darth Yhwh
If I were you I'd refuse to see them.