In my usual didactic fashion, let's go through the logical steps here.
1. The Society allows Witnesses to use many blood fractions: albumin for burn victims is an example. There are many others. These medical supplies come from the donated blood supply.
2. The Society forbids Witnesses to donate blood.
3. Therefore, individual Witnesses who accept treatment from the blood supply are hypocrites.
This is really a horrible situation. I'm sure they felt up at Brooklyn that they were becoming more liberal in relaxing the blood ban; in fact, they created a situation where any Witness that accepts any of the arbitrarily allowed blood fractions is taking part in a horrible hypocrisy. NO Witness' conscience should allow them to accept something they would not give to somebody else, and I believe that unless a Witness could prove that they were a blood donor, the medical system should refuse them access to the blood supply. Of course this isn't how it works, because the medical system has that "worldly" Hippocratic Oath that they're working off of.
Morally Bankrupt Blood Policy
by under_believer 1 Replies latest jw friends
I agree wholeheartedly. Now that I have started giving blood regularly, I feel so good. Good that I am doing more for people in the half hour it takes to give blood than I have ever done in a whole month of field service. And I don't feel like a freeloader on the goodness of others. I really believe that JWs don't see a problem with this policy because practically everything they/we do is based on getting a reward in the future. So the focus is on self, not others.