When a minister skied to church, his board of elders accused him of desecrating the Sabbath. ''Why mom,ye skied on the lord's holy day,'' said one of the elders. The minister protested; But that was the only way I could have come to services. The snow was too deep to drive. ''Thats not the p'int,'' The charman shot back at him. ''The p'int is this; Did ye enjoy it?'' Is this realy the mindset in the SDA Church or have I got it wrong. I think Mr Moe would like to know, Any how i'll be back with further postings on the subject.
The mindset of another Religion. The SDA Church
by barry 5 Replies latest jw friends
That is so silly - sorta like asking a person if they enjoyed driving to thier place of worship or enjoyed taking a bath. Didn't they bother to read the gospel accounts? Of course - after a while they take the bible away from you, so what's the diff?
Barry - please share more on SDA - I find it very interesting. My inlaws are SDA and I want to speak with them from some "inside" knowledge.
Interesting, I recently moved next door to a SDA church. I noticed that they hold a service on Saturday mornings instead of Sunday. Why is this? Is the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday for the SDA? or is this just a local thing in my area? What can/can't a SDA do on a Sabbath day?
What do the initials SDA stand for?
Seventh Day Adventist
The original Jewish sabbath was from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. After Jesus died Christians got together on Sunday which was the resurrection day. Sunday, should never have been called the Sabbath, it was never introduced to replace the Sabbath. But.....over time it became a substitute sabbath for the general church population over the centuries. When the SDA's started in the 1840's, from which the JW's split from later, they took a view of the Law of Moses that was literalistic, and legalistic and kept their religious day on Saturday.