I am interested in getting some facts about how many people are leaving the JW religion, anywhere or anyone have an idea of how many? Are we talking 1 from each congregation monthly, or what?
I see there are a bunch of people here EX-JW's and potential witnesses alike, I am sure that this is just a small measure of the poeple leaving.
Is there somewhere to get more information about the masses leaving?
by spawn2u 9 Replies latest jw friends
i don't have any numbers but many have left in spirit ... this # is in the thousands!!!
well hopefully someone will come up with info
Don't fool yourself, they are still growing. Not the most successful of growths, in that is is mainly people raised in the religion and people in third world countries. Growth none the less though! Also, remember that the growth is based off of the highest amount of time turned in during a year on a month by month bases. Normally this occurs in June or July and is cause in some part, to people turning in two months worth of time in one month, due to being on vacation. They are counted as two, when only one. I had a friend who tracked the numbers at Brooklyn for awhile and he said he was stumbled to see how inaccurate the information was. He always thought it was exact to the last hour and publisher and it was not. He told me the margin of error was about 10-15% or more and that was considered acceptable. 10% of 6,000,000 is 600,000. That would not be acceptable in any accounting of money!
To put it in short there is no statistic at all on how many leave, the best is the JWs own data that show yearly increases or decreases, but that doesn't take into account the many unbaptised youths that leave the org.
Otherwise we can have only an approximate idea by what people say here or on other sites regarding the situation in congos that they are familiar with and even then that relates only to the anglophone world. -
It depends on which demographic you look at. They had zero or negative growth in around 80 countries last year, compared to only 27 (I think) the year before.
They are almost certainly losing members in English congregations in the USA, probably at a rate of about 1-2% per year.
Also, with regard to the "zero or negative growth" figures, keep in mind that they represent the average number of publishers. Since they still report substantial baptisms, there is a great deal of "churn" happening to maintain zero growth.
Northern Europe has posted negative growth for around 10 years now. Japan turned a corner and went negative recently. The pattern is basically, countries that are developed and have free access to information (e.g., the Internet) are running out of steam as far as JW growth is concerned.
This page (http://www.jwic.com/stat.htm) has some interesting charts based on their numbers, but unfortunately he hasn't put the most recent year's numbers in (if he had, the end of their growth would be even more apparent).
Hope that helps!
Off the top of my head, in 2005 the WTS only grew by 89,000 publishers, less then a 1.5% growth rate, and below the global population growth rate. That is about 170,000 less than were baptised. If 70,000 died than about 100,000 dropped out, 2 per congregation a year.
That is not a huge drop off, but is a big change from the 1960's when the WTS was said to be the fastest growing religion in the world.
An even more revealing figure is that the number of hours of witnessing per extra publisher has gone from 5000 to 15000 hours. -
I think there were some (even some who post here) that were doing rough est. based on what the WTBTS put out in publications and national averages. I don't think you will ever get a true number because it is probably always in a state of flux. Also, the WTBTS will never be completely honest with their numbers. As they have done in the past, when the US is dragging in nos. they say it is because the work has been done successfully but when it starts going up, it is because there is still work to be done.
Thanks everybody, that helps me understand where things are. I have this sick curiousity of what they are doing, saying and how they are maintaining. I saw that posting about the Circuit Assembly that is coming up and it sounds very dire for the JW's as they loose members and Elders alike.
I dont know about actual stats.But I know that anyone here was pretty much a young JW all grown up than a new convert and that lots of young people smartened up and got out.