by What-A-Coincidence 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Bethel has a Witnessing Stand in Brooklyn Heights, along Brooklyn Bridge Blvd. and Jarolomen St. which is run a by local congregation. All along the Watchtower (Fulton St. (mall)) there are many older friends witnessing along the benches. They were witnessing by placing magazines on their chest. Some looked so tired!!! Their heads would roll and they almost tilted over. Many of them looked sickly ... they sould be at home taking care of their illnesses. Damn Watchtower. They don't give a damn. All they care are about are #'s. Before I left to Bethel, I was imagining all these Bethelites witnessing at every corner... hell no! The only Bethelites who preach to the Brooklyn Heights neighbors are the ones who are aux. pionnering. Of these there are few. I never saw a Bethelite witness to Brooklyn Heights Neighbor. Anyone remember seeing that table or the poor elderly who are slaved by the evil slave?

  • luna2
    All along the Watchtower (Fulton St. (mall)) there are many older friends witnessing along the benches. They were witnessing by placing magazines on their chest. Some looked so tired!!! Their heads would roll and they almost tilted over

    Now there's a picture, benches full of elderly people, so weak and tired they can't even hold the mags up. Got...to...get...my...hours...in...or...so...I...can...earn...a...spot...in...paradise. ::keels over::

  • garybuss

    The Jews go to the wall, the Witnesses go to the mall. The Jews have a custom, so do the Witnesses. The Witnesses are capitalists selling a version of spiritual communism as an ideal to their own people and selling mass media products to the public.

  • cabasilas

    I'm not sure I understand your post.

    I was assigned to a book study group which met on Montague St in Brooklyn Heights in the 70s. I have many memories of door to door work in Brooklyn Heights. There was little positive response but we did work our territory.

  • blondie

    I think you will find that now in the 00's that the territory is worked very quickly due to the number of JWs in each congregation. Only book study conductors in many similar congregations can check out territory. Much is worked in 3 to 4 weeks. So that pioneers can get in their time, they have to do street witnessing more and more. I can remember some just standing there holding the magazines, not approaching anyone to talk to them.

    There has been "counsel" on not doing that but in my area, some still persisted; we called them the wooden Indian brothers and sisters.

    *** km 5/85 p. 8 Presenting the Good News—On the Street and in Business Territory ***

    Generally, approaching people is more effective than simply standing in one place or just walking along displaying the magazines
  • Panda

    My my my ... door to door continues as a useless method for sales.

  • geevee

    Were all the old people sitting on the benches drooling, bit like schroeder before he left and barber probably has to do now? [got to keep him regular]

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    never stopped by to say hi ... looked too commercial like i know the stand at boro hall. well. next to the 4 train. i had to go there for a month straight. it only took a week for the alternating jw's there to hate me. (this was at the time i was doing heavy wt. research) . i would do research at night. and leave 30 minutes early. for work. just so i could piss the living shit out of this 70 year old 4ft 5 bethelite. trying to impress the sisters he sucked into working the stand. it got to the point they called the police on me. lucky for me i had my bible every day. and just started reading verses. the cops tried to bark at me. but i told them a few things about the craptower. and reminded the police i have the same right to preach on the corner as the jw's.then i questioned the jw " is it not true the wts won many court cases. allowing anyone to preach on the street or door to door just like your doing at your wt news stand" the bethelite didn't want to answer . but i pressed the issue. all the while telling the cops he would lie... the jw admitted in the end, i had just as much rights as he did. the cops ended up being pretty cool. and i whipped the wt new stand for another few weeks. to the point they were not even there every day. john

    IP: 9BsM0B0qcunNR6An 18-May-06 18:16 May 18, 2006 by johnny cip: Correct formatting

    Re: Witnessing at the WalMart in Evansville, Indiana(pics) by luna2 on 18-May-06 17:09 May 18, 2006

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