Of all the dirt you've learned about JWs, and mistreatment and epiphanies experienced, what was the biggest or most painful disappointment? What did you do to cope with it? And how long did it take to come to an acceptance of the situation?
To hell and back? Or how to defeat disappointment.
by serendipity 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The loss of my grandmother. She died from refusing blood when I was five. The unkind treatment of my widowed grandfather left alone on holidays and his birthday because we didn't celebrate "pagan" occasions.How do I cope? Somewhere up there, I hope they know how sorry I am, as an adult. now I know how wrong it all was. I hope they're in a better place and that they understand I was only a misled child.
I strongly suspect that I will die, and cease to exist.
This is a major disappointment. -
My biggest disapointment was in myself for getting sucked into the Tower and for being so arrogant as to think I was better than everyone else in the world just for being a Witness. How I have dealt with it is by praying to God and asking him to forgive my arrogance and by treating all people now with respect even if they disagree with my religious convictions. And by studying the bible in its full context so as not to get sucked into a false religion again. Like they always say: "knowledge is power".
that they really are just a book publishing company with massive amounts of attys/money. to watch ove them and the small guy, most of you and me, mean nothing to them they will sacrafice us in a NYC minute to protect the reputation of the WTS. Very sad for me to learn and accept.. I wanted God to be in there somewhere.
When I realized they didnt care about people or individual differences jsut their placements and hours bottom lines. that hurt.
When my now ex husband gave me an STD. I went to all 5 meetings a week at the time, only spent my free time talking on the phone with witnesses or doing puzzles at home with my daughter, and they all knew, but still that didn't prove him of adultery, because maybe I had a double life...yeah right! He is still in good standing with the Org. I walked away soon after that. But, as you can see I am still very scarred by the whole experience so I come to this site for awareness that I wasn't the only one mistreated.
JW's are supposed to be loving. I didn't think it was very loving to df me, a single pregnant girl, from the congregation, even though the elders said they thought I was repentent, but should've 'known better', even though they knew my family was all JW, and that I had no non-JW friends. Yes, it was very loving to kick me out, pregnant and single, without a support network.
Family is supposed to stick together - especially if they're JWs. Already prior to my df'ing, most of my JW family pretty much ignored me when I moved away from home. No calls, no visits, nothing. That has pretty much continued through all the years, even after I was reinstated. If I hadn't visited them, I doubt they would have contacted us. My daughter asks "why doesn't hardly anyone call us?" What do I tell her? I told her that I bore them. (They are a self-centered, mostly anxious/depressed bunch, and don't see each other much, except for meetings. They have problems. But I didn't want to criticize them to my daughter.)
The congregation is distant too, but it's been a long time since I looked to JWs for my social needs.
So much for "love among themselves", love as the identifying mark of Christians.
So how do I, who felt unloved as a child, feels unloved as an adult, overcome the deep disappointment? Intellectually, I realize the problem is with the org and with the individuals' shortcomings. I persist in trying to maintain some relationship with the family, and also let them know that I'm 'safe' to talk to about things going on in the org. But, it's pretty one-sided and doesn't mend the hole in my soul.
They have problems. But I didn't want to criticize them to my daughter.)
I don't understand that at all. To each their own, though.