An Elder called me today

by xjwms 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    At first it was business..........then it got bad

    A long, long time ago, ... in a land far far away I was considered as "family" with this family.

    Thank gawd he lives about 100 miles away from me, ... and the calls are mostly business.

    This time, .... it was ....Well, when do you think you are going to return and start serving Jehovah again.??

    Shocked the hell outta me cause I did'nt hear these words for years.

    When that conversation ended..........he was singing a "new song".......I let him have it.

    This year (2006) marks five years since I was active and regular as a jw........No one has cared...... whats the difference now.

    Oh, and by the way Thank all of you wonderful people here on JWD.......Thank you for letting vent a little.

  • KW13

    they have got some nerve haven't they.

  • ButtLight

    its funny how you dont see them or talk to them for so long, and then out of the word work they come to start preaching, or catch you at something!

  • blondie

    See, they think if you aren't at the KH, you can't be serving God...God is only at the KH according to them.

    Didn't Jesus say,

    Your love for one another attendance at the Kingdom Hall will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

    Blondie (wish I could have heard what you said)

  • xjwms

    KW13....more like guts

    ButtLight .... right out/ta the blue you are so right.

    Its like what are you expecting, when, you ask a stupid question like that.

  • MissBehave

    Where's a shrillingly loud whistle when you need it most?

  • Fleshybirdfodder

  • xjwms


    Thanks for your thought..............I detailed a few thoughts

    The elders told me that I was not welcome at the hall anymore, and, they suggested I go to a different one. So I know what kind of

    letter would follow me, and there is not such thing as a fresh start. I am sick of the gossip and dealing with stupid people.

    NO one cares or trys to visit me, no one contacts me, soooo the TRUTH is no one wants me there any/way.

    The elders don't want me there because.....I was the one who always brought up THEIR short/comings. And there are many!!!

    Theres more but I am tired now from working on my project house.....been at it for a couple of days...and that call was just not appreciated.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Well, when do you think you are going to return and start serving Jehovah again.??

    100% proof that the membership feels it is by their WORKS they are saved and that they cannot serve god OUTSIDE of the organzation. "Start serving Jehovah" is a buzzword for "following the Watchtower". It's actually sad how many people just don't get it. Next time he calls tell him you never stopped serving God and then ask where has he been.


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