WT Calls Jesus both to suit their needs.
I believe the WT is Wrong in calling Jesus the lowliest one of mankind. They do this to apply a greater fullfilment of the prophecy at Dan 4.
Two scriptures are cited to support the lowliest man stance they use, Matthew 11:28-30 and Phil.2:7,8.
At Matthew Jesus states he is gentle and humble in heart. At Phil.2:7,8 once again Jesus humbled himself making himself nothing, taking the the nature of a servant. To me this makes him an even better(greater) man.
Neb. was a crazy beast in the field, and before that he was a prideful ruler.
Jesus was God's Son who chose to be meek.
How does this make him lowly?
How can you compare Jesus and Nebuchadnezzar as being the same types of people God likes to choose as a king?
Nebuchadnezzar and Jesus, two lowly men, cut from the same cloth, who God chose to give kingships.
It's crazy.(in my opinion)