Writing in Bottom Line Health -June issue Carolyn Chambers and author of, "Living Well with Anxiety: What your Doctor Doesn't tell you...That you need to know"
(Collins) she states," after Headline: Living with negative "self-talk."
Indoctrination from as far back as childhood can make for an anxious adult. Think back: Were you taught unhealthy beliefs, such as "... I must be perfect"? Do your best to change these beliefs and replace them with affirmations."
How many times did we read and hear,"You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matt.5:48 ? How many people suffer from anxiety due to having that scripture pounded in their brains while being a child?
Some tips: assertiveness training
counselor skilled in behavioral change
peppermint leaf tea
avoid sugar and caffeine
Anxiety - Watchtower induced or Bible induced
by imagineNOheaven 5 Replies latest watchtower medical
HI imagine, welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the board. Very good points.
tall penguin
Yes, I remember that scripture well. I developed the perfectionist dis-ease at an early age. I still struggle with it now. I find it one of the hardest beliefs to let go of. I struggle with the constant feeling of not being enough. I also find it difficult to give myself permission to make mistakes. While I rationally know it's okay not to be perfect, I emotionally cannot accept it. It's a hard one to over-ride.
Welcome to the forum!
tall penguin -
....speaking of being tense.... when God asked us to accept His perfect instrument of salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ, didn't He suggest that we dress ourselves in His perfection? wasn't Paul a tent maker?.... doesn't God dwell in tents?...1 Chron 17:5 I guess the advice here is cover up...we're not perfect. God knows this and He doesn't want everyone to look on our nakedness. love michelle
Welcome to the forum Imagine (love the song).
I was raised w/a mother who was very emotionally abusive towards me. Then became a witness when I was only 20. As my counselor had told me, 20 is very young and you're just starting to understand things. So really I've experienced emotional abuse for a lot of my life especially during my "growing years".
You have made very good points to which I can certainly relate. I was always trying and trying to please my mother. I was never "good" enough; there was always something wrong w/me. And then w/the JW religion I never felt I could "do" enough or "be" enough to please my Creator. I finally had a mental breakdown and left.
Everyone has their breaking point.