Could a JW in the WTS for 25 yrs STILL be studying the beginner's books?

by kristyann 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • kristyann

    I know this lady who has been a JW for 25 years and is currently studying the "What Does The Bible Really Teach?" book. She is already baptized. I thought that this book was for new converts. Someone said awhile ago it is to be used between the Requirements booklet and the Knowledge book for people who are just getting indoctrinated. Why would a woman who has been in the organization for a quarter of a century be studying it NOW?

    One more question: how exactly do book studies work? You know, the congregation book study that usually seems to be on a Tuesday or Thursday evening? Do the individual Kingdom Halls choose the book, or does the WTS headquarters have them all studying the same books at once (just like the Sunday morning Watchtower studies)? I can't imagine the Kingdom Halls having the freedom to choose which books to do at the congregational book studies.

  • Crumpet

    I dont think that book was arround 25 years ago or even 8 years ago - least I don't remember it especially. When a witness is weak they may be instructed to have a bible study with a stronger JW so that may be why. This happened to me a few times after baptism.

    And the WBTS instructs which chapter of which publication is to be studied at the book study each week so that all around the world teh brotherhood is untied on the same page .ahhhhhhhh.

  • blondie

    Except for the Mankind's Search for God book, the WTS always has the rank and file study the book or brochure at the book study, including the very easy Require Brochure. The idea is that they will be better able to place it and study it with others.

  • jgnat

    "What Does The Bible Really Teach?" is being studied by all the congregations right now. You were kidding, right, about congregations having the freedom to choose what to study each week? Yes, it is a rewrite of older materials, but it is one of the "newer" publications right now, and it certainly beats the re-study of the Daniel book, just completed.

    As for senior members of the congregation studying beginner's books, it happens all the time. Try getting df'd.

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