WHAT ON EARTH???? and random thoughts

by VeniceIT 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    I guess I can't leave you people alone for 4 weeks eh??? all hell broke lose!!!!

    I have no idea what is going on, apparenlty some are leaving for H2O and I don't have time to read all the threads. Well,
    I just want to say Hi and I feel bad if there's been any problems, I feel SOOO OUT OF THE LOOP and don't really know what to ay just wanted to let you know I don't have any hard feelings or a clue what's going on. To those who have left 'Goodbye' and I hope to see you around somewhere at least.

    Sooo what's new? YIKES not sure if I want to know. I'm going to be getting my wisdom teeth out at the end of the month! not looking forward to that!

    Today is the 1 year anniversary of my Appeal Trial. I can't beilve it's been a whole year, and yet at the same time it feels like
    like another lifetime. It's not something I'd want to go through again though I'll tell you that.

    I've heard from reliable source that they are no longer allowed to watch FOOTBALL at BETHEL. You can get kicked out for watching it HAHHAHAHHAHA I'm not kidding. I wonder if Mon. night football ran into the Family study too often haha ohhh man what next!

    OK so I'm in Portland or will be then mid-end of the week, and I'm here for about a month soooooo RIZ, NATE, I wanna see you ok, and well maybe Dave too if he'll pay! Wassa I want to hook up with you sometime too, sorry I keep missing you! So ummm people let me know and email me ok, lets get this thing going.

    Well, I just wanted to post and say HI to everyone and ummm just mention a few things. Sooo take care and talk at ya later.


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • Ranchette

    Hi Venice!
    Welcome back to this wild and crazy board!
    I'll let the others fill you in because I'm still sorting it out myself.I bet you'll get mor than one take on it all.

  • VeniceIT

    hahhah that's what I'm afraid of!!!! I bet I'll hear WAY MORE then I want to ohh well, I've gotten to know so many and consider m,oist even the crazy ones as friends (dang I'm desprate hahaha)!

    Good to hear from you Ranchette hope things are going well for ya,


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • wasasister

    Ven: sorry I missed the campout, it sounded like a blast! However, a free trip to San Diego is a free trip to San Diego!

    You still have my number? It's not a stretch for me to drive to Portland. As always, you're welcome at my place. I'm a better-than-average cook and have a nice guest room, all made up.

    Have fun, Sweetie.

  • Englishman

    Hi Oh Saucy one,

    Wot? No football at bethel?

    How long have they ben playing footie in the States?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • outnfree

    Welcome Back, Venice!

    Don't fret too much about the flame wars -- suffice it to say that there is now a new forum "Adult & Arguments". This is the place where threads which contain adult language or themes and/or flame wars are now to be taken. (It will make them much easier to avoid! )

    I'm not sure who all is leaving [for good], but it IS good to take a break now and then -- especially when others here are unwilling to 'give one a break!'



  • outnfree

    P.S. LOL@Englishman

    P.P.S. So THAT's what was happening at Bethel last week! -- The GB announced "No more Monday Night Football" and it took four hours to get the resulting riot under control!

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