"An Outcast"

by scout575 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scout575

    "I was astonished that I had blindly let these people put the ideas in my head that God and the Bible were, "absolute truth". I began doing some thinking on my own and my closest family and friends began telling me that I was "backslidden". I have become an outcast amongst people who said that they would always love me and who preach never ending forgiveness. I have been hurt by these people who still mean so much to me, but over all I am much happier of the person I have become. I am no longer narrow-minded, judgmental, or unaccepting of people."

    This quote was taken from: losingmyreligion.com/letters/exchristianletters.htm. If you are a JW 'lurker' who is thinking about joining a church that believes that the Bible is "absolute truth", please check out this website to get some ex-Christian perspectives on Christianity.

  • under_believer

    I want to point out, though, on the other hand, that there are Christian churches out there that do not claim to have the only truth, allow a great spectrum of beliefs while agreeing to disagree, and do not shun anyone. There are even churches that include more belief systems than just Christianity in the same service, like the unitarian universalists. Don't judge the entire spectrum of Christianity or worship or belief by what you've experienced with the Witnesses.

  • peacefulpete

    We've recently become closer to a young woman with a Church of God background. Her story brings tears to our eyes. Compulsory 'volenteering', church attendance and prying into personal lives. She was just told she was not able to get ,married in the church because she missed services for the last 3 months. She was out of the country! and she attended a church there. She went back to her old church despite her father turning her in for acceptance of evolution and having her expelled for apostacy. She plans to kiss butt for a few months hoping they will marry her in December. Why I'm surprised is because the second church who required attendance is suposedly a nondenominational church. Thius illustrateds that doctrine is really irrelevant, the social structure is what makes a church destructive and controlling.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Again you arm making a sweeping generalization in order to make your objective easier to critisize. That is a 'straw man' argument. I am going to keep on your case, Scout and constantly provide a counter-point to your vindictive assault on the faith of others.

  • peacefulpete

    Rex, just what sweeping generalization did he make? Do you find the quote threatening? Do you believe that anyone who thinks for themselves about the Bible and God is backsliding? Do you feel it is unwise or harmful for Scout to encourage a cautious skepticism about claims of absolute truth?

  • greendawn

    He probably refers to the JWs or some other cultic group as being guilty of victimising him, but these are fringe groups, mainstream religions would never do such things.

    Therefore it is not good to generalise this situation and make it appear as if the whole of Christianity is evil, narrowminded, and intolerent. One can see why the JWs et al are bad news for Christianity.

  • DanTheMan
    I am going to keep on your case, Scout and constantly provide a counter-point to your vindictive assault on the faith of others.

    Touchy touchy!

    Scout's gonna burn in hell forever isn't he? So why worry?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    please check out this website to get some ex-Christian perspectives on Christianity.

    I believe this is an ex-fundamentalist and literalist perspective (commonly of an American Right origin) of what occurs when someone becomes caught up in a self-righteous and judgemental group - Christianity being something different, but nevertheless touted by these same groups.

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