Today, I went to the doctor and scheduled some elective surgery. This, of couse, required some paperwork. One of the items I had to sign was a consent to have a blood transfusion if necessary.
As he was explaining it, he told me, "I've never had to give a transfusion for this procedure, but we want to be safe." As I'm signing the document, he keeps "selling" the fact that transfusions are very safe. Which is kinda weird because there is no way for him to know that I used to be a JW.
He went on to say, "Even most Jehovah's Witnesses will agree to allow us to give them a couple of pints of blood if necessary." I told him that I had relatives who were JWs and I was well aware of their false doctrine regarding blood transfusions.
So, the question is was he telling the truth or trying to make a patient feel better? Since he's going to be cutting on me, I'm hoping for the first...