I want to know what became of the changes

by SixofNine 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    I want to know what became of the changes
    We waited for love to bring
    Were they only the fitful dreams
    Of some greater awakening?
    Ive been aware of the time going by
    They say in the end its the wink of an eye
    And when the morning light comes streaming in
    Youll get up and do it again

    I'm going to be a happy idiot
    And struggle for the national average
    Where the Elders take aim and lay their claim
    To the heart and the soul of the message
    And believe in whatever may lie
    In those things that hours can buy
    Though true love could have been a contender
    Are you there?
    Say a prayer for the pretender
    Who started out so young and strong
    Only to surrender

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Very good poem....amen to that....

  • jgnat

    It reads like an epitaph to dreams. I see that in the eyes of the "older ones".

  • greendawn

    Good poem but it's too much to expect a money minded multibillion corporation to develop a culture of love, the problem begins at the top does it not, the R&F can't see the good example from there.

  • streets76

    Hey SixOfNine, maybe you should credit Jackson Browne for those lyrics. That is, unless you ARE Jackson Browne.

  • SixofNine

    lol, yes, I am in fact Jackson Brown.

    Sorry, thought it was more widely known ("it" being the song, not the fact that I'm Jackson Brown).

    Listening to the song yesterday, it struck me as having a certain resonance with the witness experience. I changed a few words in the second stanza to reinforce that.

  • streets76

    SixOfNine, I know the feeling, when a song really hits home. Sometimes I think the whole album "Takin' It To The Streets" was a personal messege to me ( to leave the JWs and hit the streets, as it were). Some of Neil Young's music connects with me like that, as well.

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