Are regular publishers more genuine in their dealings with others?

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Having been in a few congregations, I have observed that those with nothing to prove are often the most genuine people. That is, brothers who aren't apointed seem to have more to say and are more interesting to talk to.

    Those who have position seem to have little to say other than repeat WT mantra.

    With regular publishers, particualrly those who didn't reach out, I often found that they were just themselves, with no pretences.

    Is this something you have noticed?

    My friend asked me last week, do weal publishers attract weak publishers? Is this a possibility? Are weak publishers more comfortable among those who are as weak as them? By weak, I mean not regular at meetings or on service.

  • zeroday

    Looking back over 28 years all I saw was plastic people with plastic faces. They never seemed real at all.

  • freetosee

    Yes in general this can be said or my observation was the same. Pioneers and appointed servants are less considerate to others as they are busy in the Lord’s work. Especially those reaching out for the ‘office of overseer’ are inconsiderate of others even their own families. I believe many of those enjoying the ‘double honour’ are not true believer of the teachings they demand other to follow.


  • greendawn

    Many of the ideas of the FDS are not natural or decent and those that closely identify with them can not be any better.

    What zeroday wrote sums up neatly my perception of the JWs, plastic people with plastic faces. They surrendered their right to freedom of thought to a bunch of stupid pretenders to the throne and they deserve whatever they get from them.

  • under_believer

    Like any other group of humans, there are the good ones, bad ones, and (the vast majority) indifferent ones. The statement "regular publishers are more genuine in their dealings with others" cannot be supported.

  • GermanXJW

    If you are appointed a servant or a pioneer you better watch your words or you get removed.

    If you are not appointed in anyway you have nothing to lose and can be more relaxed.

  • just2sheep


    what an arrogant attitude. what do you feel qualifies you to pass judgement on millions of individuals that you have no personal knowledge of and decide that "they" are getting what "they" deserve"? i'd bet you were a real hardass when you were an elder. i'm sure you enjoyed lording it over people who had been lied to, and tricked, and bullied to the point that they could not defend themselves against you. we are not in that world anymore greenday. i thank jehovah that you don't get to decide what anyone deserves...and believe me you would not want me deciding what you deserve. is this really the best you can do? there is an old saying that says " it is better to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than it is to speak out, and remove all doubt." this is something you should give some consideration. if i lie to you and steal all your money and as a result your life is ruined, do you "deserve it" because it was "you" that believed the lie? if i kidnap your parents, and brainwash them until they shun you, is it your parents fault they were brainwashed? or is the responsibility yours because you refused to go along with the brainwashing? it must be someones fault because after all it can't be liar that gets what they deserve, or the thief, or the bully...but we can certainly see that the victim, the one who was decieved, gets what they deserve. is that what you are saying? and if it is, what qualifies you to decide what you deserve or what "they" deserve?

    the answer to the topic question, i believe, is that some are and some aren't and no matter what the question this is always the answer when dealing with large numbers of people.

    have a green day


  • The Mayor of Turiwhate
    The Mayor of Turiwhate

    Those that are "reaching out" seldom have time to be considerate. After all, time taken up with such activities as showing consideration to others cannot ( should not?) be entered onto a person's Monthly Field Service Report!

    For those that are "reaching out", there is seldom much time or energy left over from working at:

    (i) Accumulating an impressive total in the "Hours" Column.

    And / or (ii) Otherwise trying to impress the elders and / or the Circuit Overseer.

    - Definitely little left over for anyone who cannot further ones quest for position.

    When I was a young fella, such types were known as "Posers" - and yeah, they never did come over as exactly genuine!

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