I want to thank you for saving me from isolation. You have provided a great service. I want to express how grateful I am that you embarked on this quest. Questioning my Catholic upbringing has cast me into the freak zone among some of my friends. They can't understand why or how I could have the balls to oppose "God"! I usually respond to their enquiries by stating that, of all the questions I have posed to the religion, none of the answers are acceptable. Big F***** surprise! As you can tell, I too am an agnostic, ex-Catholic, and I want to thank you for setting up this site. Too many Catholics are 'cradle Catholics' who have never questioned their beliefs out of good old fashioned Catholic guilt and fear."
The above extract is taken from losingmyreligion.com. If you are a JW considering joining a church, please go to this site, and others like it, and read what ex-Christians have to say about Christianity.