"Into the Freak Zone."

by scout575 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scout575

    I want to thank you for saving me from isolation. You have provided a great service. I want to express how grateful I am that you embarked on this quest. Questioning my Catholic upbringing has cast me into the freak zone among some of my friends. They can't understand why or how I could have the balls to oppose "God"! I usually respond to their enquiries by stating that, of all the questions I have posed to the religion, none of the answers are acceptable. Big F***** surprise! As you can tell, I too am an agnostic, ex-Catholic, and I want to thank you for setting up this site. Too many Catholics are 'cradle Catholics' who have never questioned their beliefs out of good old fashioned Catholic guilt and fear."

    The above extract is taken from losingmyreligion.com. If you are a JW considering joining a church, please go to this site, and others like it, and read what ex-Christians have to say about Christianity.

  • Synergy

    I agree to investigate joining any group before jumping in with both feet. However, Christianity isn't a high control group cult, some so-called Christians are. Please don't mistake bad Christians as being Jesus or how he expects people to be. I'm anti-Jehovah's Witness, and I'm Anti-religion for that matter. But I'm not anti-Christian. There's a big difference. God/Jesus love us and want us to love them and they don't want to be worshiped in an oppressive, mind control, cult. Please don't give up your faith in God because there are so many extremists with a bad case of religion. We are called to fellowship with other believers. Just remember that other believers will not judge you and control you.


    (of the found freedom in Jesus class)

  • peacefulpete

    Synergy, would you agree that Christianity was a cult from its inception? Do not various NT writings promote a separatist light vs. darkness mindset? Do not various NT writings anticipate the death of nonChristians? Is not the very premise of the faith that a man (Jesus) has all the answers and we need to be his follower?

    The rather beautiful way you and other posters like Jgnat have reinterpreted the foundational Christian writings to produce a New Age Christian faith of love and peace is a positive developement within the cult. The writer of Matthew would have called you a serpent and son of the devil. Paul would have called you an imposter. Take pride in that.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >The rather beautiful way you and other posters like Jgnat have reinterpreted the foundational Christian writings to produce a New Age Christian faith of love and peace is a positive developement within the cult.

    Uh, they are absolutely clueless about any type of interpretation. What they do is use whatever they find acceptable at the moment and reject what they do not. Any Oprah Winfrey wanna be can do that.

  • lovelylil

    Renee, Amen!

    I could not have said it better. Lord bless you, Lilly

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