pedosexuals start new political party

by DannyBloem 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem

    here in holland a new political party will be created by members of a pedophily movement.

    The name of the party is NVD (love of nabour, freedom and diversity). The goal is to legalize childporn, and sex between adults and children.

    Here is part of the news (in dutch)

    Ons land krijgt er een partij bij die voortkomt uit de pedofielenbeweging. De nieuwe politieke partij Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit (NVD) streeft naar legalisatie van kinderporno en naar seks tussen volwassenen en kinderen. De partij wordt woensdag officieel opgericht.

    I think this is really sick.....


  • Bstndance

    Creepy stuff! I doubt they will make any progress advocating their cause. They'll probably experience just the opposite.

  • juni

    Our country gets a party which originates from the paedophile movement. The new political party charity, freedom and diversity (NVD) strives for notarisation of kinderporno and to sex between adults and children. The party is founded officially Wednesday. [THIS IS A TRANSLATION FROM DUTCH TO ENGLISH.] THIS IS SO SAD AND EVIL. THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE AMORAL. JUNI

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