Help this guy ........

by Carlo 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carlo

    Hi all brothers and sisters.

    I got this in an E-mail the other day. Allthough I'm a circuitoverseer, I don't know how to answer this. Hope someone in the neighbourhood can, and will reply him
    Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2001 06:14:08 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Jonathan Howell < [email protected]>
    Subject: Help in Vegas
    To: [email protected]

    Hello my name is Jon
    Right now my family is going through some very hard
    times. It has been 5 years since we have gone to
    meetings regularly. As of now I do not know what to
    do. We still say that we are Jehovah's Witnesses but
    it has been a while since I have had any spiritual
    "food" so to speak. My question is what should I do.
    My family has had very bad fortune lately and we are
    on the brink of loosing control. I don't know if I
    want to go back to the meetings and I don't know if I
    went back if I would be allowed to go to the meetings.
    I am 16 years old and in the past few years I have
    fallen prey to a lot of the temptations that are
    around..........considering the fact that I am in Las
    Vegas. I look back on my life and the things that I
    have done and one of the only things that I can
    honestly say were happier times was when I lived in
    Hawaii. I would go to the Public Talk and Watchtower
    study in the morning and afterwards we would all go to
    the beach and surf. The times like this I had back
    when I was younger are over but I still pray on a
    regular basis. I cant just go up to a meeting and
    walk in I fell that if I did that I would bring with
    me all of the things I have done in the past. What I
    need is to speak with someone who has maybe gone
    through some very hard times in the past or had a
    "wild" childhood and who came out of it and talk to
    them about how they endured and made it through. If
    you read this and have some free time maybe you could
    write me back and give me a little guidance and tell
    me if they have any Kingdom Halls in Las Vegas. The
    internet is my only way of contacting someone so this
    is my friends computer so if you Email me back
    [email protected]

    Thank you very much

    Jonathan Howell

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