It doesn't make sense?
In July 2005 my daughter gave birth to twin girls, and to make a long story short, the father, her husband walked out and abandon them about two weeks ago, ( playing video games, were more important to him, than caring for his babies ) they were living in my home paying no rent so they could save enough to get their own place.
My daughter and grand kids are still living with us, and I love it!
That's the basic background.
Here's what doesn't make any sense to me.
My daughter went to apply for assistance "food stamps" and she's not a deadbeat mom she does have a job working about 20-30 hrs a week right now, until she can find something with more hrs. (she wants to work)
The social worker told her she can't get food stamps because she doesn't work enough hrs per week, ...What?
That's right, they told her she needs to get a second job, hello who's going to watch the kids, the grand parent's work too.
(I work at home, and I do watch the girls when mom is working, but at the expense of my work, but I do enjoy watching my grand daughter's better than work that's for sure!).
Oh, we'll pay for childcare! Now wait a minute! She has to work two jobs, and they'll pay for childcare.
Hey, here's an idea! Why not, just pay my daughter to watch her own children rather than pay for some one else to raise her kid's.
And that way my daughter will get to see her girls for more than a couple of hrs a day.
The States method is to pay twice as much, and have other people raise our children.
Rather than paying once and saving taxpayer's money. My daughter wants to work and be independent but at this point, with her husband abandoning her it's very difficult.
My feeling is Screw the "State", we'll take care of the problem, which is what we have been doing to this point, but we raised a very independent woman. She feels were helping enough by letting her live at our house rent free, paying for what we can, like diapers and such, even though our income is limited. We have already canceled unnecessary services like cable, our long distance phone service, and have cut back in other areas.
In my opinion the "States" only objective is to disrupt families and waste money, and this policy of theirs seems to prove that.
I've been paying taxes for over 35 yrs and receive no benefits from the "State".
Only rules and regulations on how we should live our lives, but no benefits.
So where's the help when you need it?
Their ideas of help, suck! Let's further disrupt the family, and then we'll help you.
The girls already lost their father, they don't need to lose their mother too.
Anyway, had to vent, this pisses me off.
Well I have to get some work done, I'll be back later.