Pastor Russell and the Da Vinci Code

by jwfacts 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jwfacts

    Not surprisingly, the most visted page on my website at the moment is title Da Vinci Code. Due to the popularity I updated it today with a lot more symbols from the Watchtower Society. It is at for anyone that has recently seen the Da Vinci Code.

    This was one of my intial areas of research on the Watchtower Society, just after i read the book, and I was gobb smacked to say the least. I have included pictures of the following.

    • Knights Templar
    • Jehovah
    • all-seeing-eye
    • winged sun disk
    • two columns
    • pyramids

    It was only recently that I discovered that the word Jehovah is used by Masons and YHWH particularly within a triangle is an important Masonic symbol.

  • Gill

    I've only recently been reading about freemasonry to see if there really were any similarities with JWs or the WTBTS.

    The three degrees of Free mansons is interesting and also the baptism.

    Free Masons are baptised symbolically to become third degree masons. To the WTBTS the baptism is a symbolic death, death of a former life style,wheras, as far as I am aware they do not use the phrase born again, as some christian groups do.

    The WTBTS structure is of the ordinary JW, 'Joe Bloggs'. This is followed by the stage, only available to males of MS and Elders, CO, DO etc. Could be likened to the second degree of free masonry. These know more of the 'secrets' or the inner workings of the bOrg. Finally followed by the 'third degree Masons' who are the FDS and the ones at the top. These are the only ones privy to the 'real secrets' of the bOrg.

    Also, Free Masons, are not allowed to leave Free Masonry. To reveal any of the secrets of their group is deserving of death.

    The WTBTS also has a symbolic death, 'Shunning' instore for any of its members who leave.

    As for the symbols, and reading a bit of Russells writings.....he was a Free Mason, even if not a third degree mason.

  • jwfacts

    The Watchtower thrives on its inner secrets, the old boys club.

    I can not believe that with all the push globally for corporate transperancy that the Watchtower sees nothing wrong with being so secretive about its manuals and inner workings.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Excellent post!

    The supreme God of Freemasonry is Jah-bul-lon.

    Jah = Jehovah

    Who would've thunk that this name is directly involved with occultic practices of secret societies?

    Going from that, it isn't much of a stretch to see the fact that the WTS has been infiltrated by masonry from the very beginning.

  • anewme

    What would Russell think of the Da Vinci Code movie????
    He seemed fascinated by all this stuff himself.

  • jwfacts

    I can imagine him in the role Sir Leigh Teabing. With his big beard he would have made quite an unforgetable actor.

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