Who is Jesus ?

by moomanchu 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moomanchu

    Why didn't Jesus just tell us who he was ? I am Michael the Archangel from heaven. What's the big secret?

    For that matter why did he need another name here on earth?

    Another question where did Michael go when he became a sperm or did God impregnate Mary with a fertilized egg anyway my point is did Michael become only a genetic marker of dna ?

    If so isn't this comparable to dieing and being ressurected ?

    I'm starting to think it's more confusing to believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel vs Jesus is God.

    On a lighter note, I think it would be fun when conversing with a JW to substitute Michael the Archangel for Jesus whenever Jesus's name came up.


  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    I think we are going to have to change your question to: Who was Jesus? Because remember the man Jesus died and passed off into non-existence. So the guy who is alive now is one who was recreated by joehoover using his "memory" of what the original was supposed to be.

    The odd thing is that this new guy did not die for us, since the one who did no longer exists.

    So this Michael mark 2, or Jesus mark 2, is at best a phoney, at worst, a mirage constructed by a bunch of confused old buggers


  • lovelylil


    Jesus is not and never was Michael the Archangel. This is a teaching that Russell borrowed from the Adventists. Jesus is the son of God, the Logos, the word of God. He is not a created being but has always been with Jehovah God. He was begotten - not created. In his nature, he is Divine like God. Jesus is totally unique and above all angels.

    When I left the WT, this was the first teaching a researched. Over a one year period, I broke down all the "proof" texts the WT gives and looked at many other scriptures that speak about Jesus and his relationship with God an all of creation. I compiled it into a research report called Is Jesus Michael the Archangel? If you would like a copy, pm me your email address and I will forward it to you.

    Since I completed this research more than a year ago, I have learned even more about Christ. The Apostle John wrote the most about his nature and relationship with Jehovah in the book of John. I would highly recomend that you read it. I did not go too much into detail about Jesus' nature in my paper as the main point of it was to prove or disprove either way whether the bible shows conclusively that Jesus is Micheal. By the end, I of course found out that no, he is not. In order to come to that conclusion like the WT, you would have to read things into the scriptures they use which are not there at all. Again, I would be happy to send it to you or anyone who would like to know how to use the WT's own "proof texts" to prove Jesus is not Michael.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello, I'm looking at your questions here...I would try to give my 2 cents worth.

    Why didn't Jesus just tell us who he was ? Because, it was very important that people would be drawn to him, as to recognize, he was from God..by his qualities and his teachings.. and not because God told them he was his son. Another words, people have to love God because they love truth and justice and righteousness and not just to save their ass. I am Michael the Archangel from heaven. What's the big secret? It's called the 'sacred secret'. I really think God wants to 'let the operation of error to take place to discern heart conditions..

    For that matter why did he need another name here on earth? Maybe to have it be secret...?

    Another question where did Michael go when he became a sperm or did God impregnate Mary with a fertilized egg anyway my point is did Michael become only a genetic marker of dna ? Maybe Jesus didn't become sperm but maybe his spirit entered into the child who was the genetic child of Joseph and Mary, to make him the legal seed, messiah. As maybe our spirits also carry our personage, maybe Jesus' spirit also carried his personage.

    If so isn't this comparable to dieing and being ressurected ? Yeah, think so.

    I'm starting to think it's more confusing to believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel vs Jesus is God. I think Jesus is definately Michael.. As, Thes. says he returns with an arch-angels voice. And in Dan. 12:1...Michael is the one who stands up for his people in the great trib... and also Michael has 'his' angels..

    On a lighter note, I think it would be fun when conversing with a JW to substitute Michael the Archangel for Jesus whenever Jesus's name came up. Ha ha!


  • greendawn

    I would also say the claim that Jesus is also Michael the Archangel is peculiar to the JWs and perhaps other similar adventist groups, and certainly not part of mainstream Christian thought. There is no Biblical reason to equate the two and I don't know how the dubs justify this belief.

  • Honesty

    Contrary to the Watchtower's false teachings, this is the apostasy that was predicted in God's Word.

    This is how you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. But every spirit who does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist; you have heard that he is coming, and he is already in the world now. 1 John 4:2-3

  • Hellrider

    moggy lover:

    I think we are going to have to change your question to: Who was Jesus? Because remember the man Jesus died and passed off into non-existence. So the guy who is alive now is one who was recreated by joehoover using his "memory" of what the original was supposed to be.

    The odd thing is that this new guy did not die for us, since the one who did no longer exists.

    That`s a very good point, but this confusion only arises when looking at it via JW-doctrine. It`s not a problem for the rest of christianity. JWs believe he was recreated, because "ressurection" (as a spirit being or in the flesh, doesn`t matter) without something surviving from the original person, is recreation, as opposed to ressurection. The rest of christianity believes something survives from the person (they call it the "soul", but that becomes confusing, as the Bible refers to "the soul" as the entire being, and it refers to the "spirit" when it says something about what we now call "the soul...) survives. And they believe Jesus was ressurected, but are not specific about what form. But yes, it is a huge problem within JW-"theology", yes, but that doesn`t matter to the "great crowd", they are not supposed to think to much about these things... (

    Not that I`m a christian or anything, but I certainly feel that the rest of christianity got it right on this one.

    And Jesus is not Michael the archangel. There has been numerous threads about this. In Revelation it becomes clear that they are two distinct characters.

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