I e-d Ray and asked him. He gave a nice reply (a lengthy stock reply with brief personal comments to me cut and pasted into it) saying that he commented on the NGO thing in the latest edition of Crisis of Conscience. Unfortunately I have an older edition of COC so I'd be most grateful if someone could type up what he said in his latest edition...unless that is a breach of copyright?
What has Ray Franz said about the NGO thing?
by yaddayadda 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
He mentions how they became a member in '91 and withdrew in 2001 because of adverse reaction to there membership.
One interesting comparison with I will quote from COC because his statement is of note:
"Seen against the background of the organization's stance regarding Malawi and the issue of alternative service, this association with what the Watch Tower Society deems "a blasphemous counterfeit of God's Messianic Kingdom" betrays a seriously warped concept of Christian integrity and conscience".
Mr Franz is spot on with that comment, and it should be something all Jehovah's Witnesses should think about.
pg 170-171 the last pages of the chapter entitled "Double Standards" (4th Edition) mentions what stevenyc says just above me.Their is a copy of the letter sent from UN with regards to the WTBTS on page 170 and the WTBTSs reply.
I am not sure if he references the UN scandal anywhere else in the book. I looked in the Index.
drew sagan
It's great that Ray keeps up to date with what's going on in the WTS. He's got his ministry and just won't stop. Good job Ray!
Does anyone out there have Ray Franz's email address. Could I have it , please? Thanks.
I think you can contact him through Commentary Press.
HI becca and welcome!
Hi there becca 1, and welcome to the board
A little off topic maybe but I always name him as my hero whenever Im asked. I admire the balls it takes to stand up to such a behemoth of an organization and not go down without a fight.