"Giving a fine witness"

by Lady Lee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Recently I have heard a few movie stars make the comment that entertainers should not look at their on-screen image as any sort of idea of who they really are. Trying to live up to a manufactured image for the screen is a huge mistake. I know what they are talking about

    As a JW I tried to live up to that image. The last thing I wanted was to be accused of not giving a fine witness. It almost killed me to hide the abuse, the rejection, the neglect I got from my family and put on a good face for the world and show how wonderful JWs are.

    It is exhausting trying to be something you are not. No one is perfect but the WTS expects JWs to conduct themselves at all times as if they were the image of perfection -- modest, business-like clothing, conservative hair and makeup, behavior always above reproach – always having to remember “What will the world think?”

    JWs have to always conduct themselves in a way that “gives a fine witness”. This includes both adults and children and behaviors at work, in school, on the street, in fact anywhere that others might see you.

    The outer image is always more important than inner image.

    Michael Jackson might be an extreme example but I think it might be interesting to think about. As a young child MJ was on the stage, always in front of an audience. Not only did he have that pressure to be a great singer and later a great dancer but there was that added pressure of being a good JW. In the WT world where outer appearances are more important than who you are on the inside is it any wonder he has paid so much to change the outer image? He certainly doesn’t seem happy for it. How can a person discover who they really are if they have an image to uphold?

    When I left the JWs I didn’t have a clue who I was. I knew I was good at doing some things. As an oldest child my role in the family was “care-taker”. I learned quite quickly my job was to help others and never ask for what I needed. It was really hard for me to let people know when I was having problems (I’ve been working on that one).

    Over the last 21 years I have found out a lot about myself; some things I like and others I want to change. As a JW my way of change was to move the furniture around in the house. The girls would come home from school and could easily find their rooms rearranged or even switched. Or they could find me with my hair cut very short. Now I recognize the need for change that is inside and try to satisfy that need instead of getting my hair cut.

    It’s been a long road of discovery; learning that the inside is more important than the outside. It’s not what I do that is the most important. How I act and what I do are simply reflections of who I am.

    It sure is nice to be just me.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good post Lady Lee, I can identify with much of what you say. I wasn't brought up in the jws, but right from the start, it was emphasised repeatedly to me how important giving a fine witness at all times is, so I spent 25 years trying, and often in my view failing, to do that.

    The last thing I wanted was to be accused of not giving a fine witness.

    Same here. I was always afraid of doing anything that might bring reproach on Jehovah's name or his organisation, always conscious of how non jws I came in contact with might look at me. I couldn't see it at the time, but it was such a restrictive way to live, and probably contributed to many of the health problems I later experienced.

    It’s been a long road of discovery; learning that the inside is more important than the outside.

    I guess I am still on that road, and have a fair way to travel yet, but I know now that I am heading in the right direction. It is so liberating not to have to worry about what other peoples perception of me is anymore.

    It sure is nice to be just me.

    It certainly is. Having spent so long trying to be a good jw, I had lost sight of who I really was, and one of the first things I had to do after leaving was to rediscover myself, to become the real me again. I am getting there, and looking back on my years as a jw, I can barely recognise the person I was then. It sometimes feels like I spent 25 years in some kind of coma, and now I'm awake again, and am learning to appreciate what real life is all about.

    Looking back, I guess I hated myself as a jw, I was such a failure for much of the time. Now I'm free I'm beginning to like myself again.


  • lovelylil

    Lady Lee,

    I am sure many will be able to relate to your experience. I always told my hubby I felt like a complete hypocrite trying to put on the act that we were the pefect family at the hall when we were not. My marriage had problems while in the Org. and my kids hated going to the meetings, and I disagreed with almost everything being taught towards the end.

    But, here we were the perfect, well dressed, smiling, spiritual family - what lies and nonesense!

    Leaving the Org. was the best thing our family ever did - just being able to be ourselves without putting up a false front took so much stress off our family and we began to heal in a very short time.

    My family, including myself have been trying for two years now to, like you say, find out who we really are inside. My hubby and I are both surprised that we had a lot more faith than we thought we had. The kids seemed to have bounced back from all the trauma of growing up in the org. and are very well adjusted with good grades in school and lots of friends. I don't push the bible or the "Christian thing" on them at all as they are not into it right now, and I really don't blame them.

    I always used to hate the parts we had during the service meeting right before conventions. They were always about how to act in public to give a good witness - this was obvious done to give the appearance that we were something that we were not. If we were perfect, why would we need reminders on how to behave in public? Especially since we were adults that were being addressed? Funny it never clicked with me that this is a total form of control until I was ready to leave the org. Anyway, I am ranting on now.

    But I really think that we are not supposed to be perfect just because we are Christians anyway. No where does the Bible say we have to be. The bible says we (Christians) are made perfect in our weaknesses. Putting up a front that we are better than others just makes us judgemental and haughty in my opinion.

    Glad you are healing well and thanks for this thread. I always enjoy your insight. Lilly

  • misspeaches

    Linda and Lee - I too completely understand and relate to this.

    Trying to live up to the ideal JW standard was my undoing. I felt like I was constantly failing at what everyone else seemed to achieve so easily. Later I learned this is how the organisation wants you to feel. Its a manipulation technique.

    Since leaving I've had to discover who I am. What my interests are. My level of intellect. My talents. What I am not good at. What I enjoy doing. Its been a bumpy road with more highs then lows. And I've still a long way to go. But I am loving it.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    It does feel great to be free. Your post makes me think of the difference of the JW facade, and Dog the Bounty Hunter. He smokes and cusses and doubtless JWs would think he is as bad and crass as it gets and far away from the will of God.

    I think he is great. He is himself. He cares passionatly about helping get people off drugs.

    I remember one time calling a JW "sister". She was esteemed, pioneering, faithful meeting attendance. Her daughter picked up the phone, layed it down, and went to get her mom. What happened at that point was quite shocking to me. The girl did not get a chance to tell her mom I was on the phone because of the barrage of SCREAMING, cussing, sounds like things being thrown....this went on for at least 15 minutes.

    The outside looked pretty good, but I was not immune from that ugliness inside, trying to keep up with meetings and studies cultivated an ugliness inside me. That phone call made me realize I was not alone.

  • lovelylil


    I love Dog the bounty hunter too. That guy brings me to tears sometimes. He is so rough looking around the edges but really sweet and caring. It just goes to show us that we cannot judge what is on the outside of someone, because we have no idea how beautiful someone is on the inside.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    I love Dog the bounty hunter too. That guy brings me to tears sometimes. He is so rough looking around the edges but really sweet and caring. It just goes to show us that we cannot judge what is on the outside of someone, because we have no idea how beautiful someone is on the inside

    I think Dog gives a very fine witness. And Beth too! She makes me want to go platinum and wear pink lipstick! lol

    On the season finale, the best of the season they showed her talking to a junkie. She really cared so much about him, tried so hard to reach him. He ended up dead 7 months after she had tried so hard to reach him.

    My own hubby is addicted to cigarettes. His mom smoked while she was pregnant (it was ok in those days) and all of his growing up life he was saturated in second hand smoke. He can be quite the character at times, but we have a phrase around here "EVERYBODY LOVES DAVE"

    He loves all people and they love him, he is humble and helpful, even the wild critters come and hang out with him! But he would have been disfellowshipped as a JW. He tried hard not to do it in front of any kids because so many look up to him.

    It is not what goes into your body that defiles you but what comes out.

  • under_believer
    Over the last 21 years I have found out a lot about myself; some things I like and others I want to change. As a JW my way of change was to move the furniture around in the house. The girls would come home from school and could easily find their rooms rearranged or even switched. Or they could find me with my hair cut very short. Now I recognize the need for change that is inside and try to satisfy that need instead of getting my hair cut.

    That's just eerie. That is exactly how my mother, a hardcore JW, behaved all the time. I never really analyzed why she did that, but as I read that paragraph my hair just stood on end.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    What I started to say when I began this topic (I got myself off track it seems) was that JWs are oblivious to how they are really viewed by the world when they are thought of at all.

    All that "giving a fine witness" behavior doesn't make one drop of sense to people on the outside. JWs are considered as weird, odd, nice, a nuisance, and a few other interesting terms that we discovered a while back with Anyone want to try an experiment?

    Except for the "experiences" given in the litterature and at conventions that someone was so impressed they decided to study, there just aren't that many people who think the JWs are a great bunch of people.

    Even when someone has a family member who is a JW or a friend they still most often think JWs are weird.

    So who exactly is getting impressed? If it isn't the onlookers then this myth is simply one more way to con JWs into believing they are better and different than non-JWs.


    That's just eerie; That is exactly how my mother, a hardcore JW, behaved all the time; I never really analyzed why she did that, but as I read that paragraph my hair just stood on end

    It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she doesn't have a clue.

    You know that old song Janice Joplin song Me and Bobby McGee,

    Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose
    Nothin' don't mean nothin' hon' if it ain't free, no no

    We were all such slaves to giving a fine witness, to make a good impression, to never bring reproach on Jehovah's name or the WTS

    Many of us have paid dearly for our freedom from slavery. But I think at some point we realize we had lost ourselves so there really wasn't much else to lose.

    If we lose (or in some cases never got to develop) the sense of who we are as individuals, then losing family, friends, religion is small in comparison to losing ourselves.

    OK I need to go to bed. Too much thinking today - the TV broke down so I'm trying to keep busy lol

    nite all

  • Virgochik

    I love Dog and Beth too! They always gather around for a prayer before going on a day's work. If they can help someone thru kindness or give them a push on the right path, they do. They show compassion towards the outcasts, more than I can say for many snotty elders and elderettes! I think they show Jesus' spirit towards their fellow man. Now, that is a witness!

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