Just a quick line, since this is the first time it happens to me and I could now see with my very own eyes. From the outside that is. The scene went like this, on the outside of a large store.
Truck stops and a young boy, about 16, no more than 18 years old walks out. Comes up to me, pulls out a track and says
BOY: Good morning Sir, I am here this morning offering this track to people with the following questions. Can the death ever live again?.... What do you think? (Displays the track on his hands)
ME: YES, they can!
BOY: (Turning to the default answers against the "NO" or "I DON'T KNOW") Well let me show you what this track says in here based on the bible
At this point my wife looks at me with the "Stop playing with the kid" kind of look, so I tell him we are JWs too. He politely dismissed himself and left.