What really gets on my nerves is the Snotty dubs, the ones that think nothing is above them and that everyone somehow is in debt to them.
Example 1) I was whispering to a friend, she said (40 year old this was lol) "You can't have secrets in the Kingdom Hall, what were you whispering about please" - I said to my friend lets go outside, then she starting giving us dirty looks ?!?!?!
Example 2) A Kingdom Ministry item said, move around the hall and sit with different people. Spend time to get to know each other, so i did! This really miserable woman says "Your in my seat, move"
Example 3) This womans husband used to be an Elder. He stole from work and he should of gone to prison. Instead of that he was disfellowshipped....Well a couple of weeks ago she came to my home after doing some calls with my mum. Mum went to work while her friend had a cup of tea (that i made). She asked about me leaving the truth e.t.c but when it got to near the end she said. "you know, XXXXXX (her husband) could of been too proud to return to the truth, but instead he went back.
WTF he had stole money, he was lucky!!!
Share your examples - or i'll pay you a visit. Got that?