
by KW13 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    What really gets on my nerves is the Snotty dubs, the ones that think nothing is above them and that everyone somehow is in debt to them.

    Example 1) I was whispering to a friend, she said (40 year old this was lol) "You can't have secrets in the Kingdom Hall, what were you whispering about please" - I said to my friend lets go outside, then she starting giving us dirty looks ?!?!?!

    Example 2) A Kingdom Ministry item said, move around the hall and sit with different people. Spend time to get to know each other, so i did! This really miserable woman says "Your in my seat, move"

    Example 3) This womans husband used to be an Elder. He stole from work and he should of gone to prison. Instead of that he was disfellowshipped....Well a couple of weeks ago she came to my home after doing some calls with my mum. Mum went to work while her friend had a cup of tea (that i made). She asked about me leaving the truth e.t.c but when it got to near the end she said. "you know, XXXXXX (her husband) could of been too proud to return to the truth, but instead he went back.

    WTF he had stole money, he was lucky!!!

    Share your examples - or i'll pay you a visit. Got that?

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I always like it when the JW's who didn't even graduate high school tell me that I am being stupid and filled with pride because I don't agree with the "truth" being the "truth."


    When I have been mocked for having a college education opposed to their WTS education.


    When my husband was talked down to by a stupid sister because he didn't choose to use his zeal for foreign languages to help the organization and he is wasting his life with his home and family when this system of things is obviously in the end times.

    But then again, I have seen this same snotty behavior from some of the people at my parents Born Again Bible Thumper Church....

    Oh well.


  • jgnat

    When it became clear to our old congregation that my husband had descended to "spiritually weak" if not "bad association" status, the KH gossip met us on the street walking the dog.

    Did she say hello to me? NO

    Did she say hi to my husband? NO

    She warmly greeted the DOG and walked on.

    I laughed so hard afterwards. Do dogs survive Armageddon? Are dogs automatically good association, even if they don't do field service?

  • jgnat

    At the new hall, prima-donna pioneer came over and demanded to know what I did for a living. I said "nice broach", but she was not deterred. She asked again. I told her I had a government job.

    "Oh, well, that's all right then. I used to have a government job. Good benefits if you fall sick." Then she stalked off to share with the other biddies.

    She has no idea how ironic that sounds to me. Two of the three JW's working for us have left on long-term illness leave, on full government benefits. Shortly after their probation period expired.

    She never did tell me about her broach.

  • greendawn

    This shows that the org is not really concerned about developing a true Chistian personality in its members as one would expect from the only true religion, they are far removed from having what I understand to be the ideal personality both as individuals and as a collective. Above all they lack brotherly love and have lots of depressed members.

  • unique1

    I think I have repressed all of those encounters. I do know the people of which you speak though. Why are they usually women?

  • KW13
    Why are they usually women?

    It can't be easy for women to get any kind of say in things with the Society...maybe its just a chance to speak out?

  • blondie

    They aren't usually women, the men gossip just as much among their "peers" other elders, MS. In fact they can be worse.


  • OpenFireGlass
    It can't be easy for women to get any kind of say in things with the Society...maybe its just a chance to speak out?

    Get This... there was this girl (my sisters best friend) in my kingdom hall who was always trying to get me in trouble... her and my sister would tell on me constantly.... Then at age 15 she D'A's herself... she was a snotty little bitch...

  • PrimateDave

    OMFG!!! That brings back a memory! I went to Japan in 1991. While I was there I went to visit Ebina Bethel (the branch office) one day, and some local brothers took me and an elderly white brother from the branch office with them to the meeting at an English congregation nearby. At the time I didn't pay much attention to the other passenger except to note his New Zealand/Australian accent.
    Well, a month or so later I was back in the states, and I went to the District Convention. One of the speakers at the convention was Lloyd Barry from the GB. Frankly, I had never paid much attention to who the members of the GB were beyond knowing that Fred Franz was the president. Anyway, Lloyd Barry started to speak, and I almost could swear that it was the same brother who rode with me in the car in Japan just a month earlier.
    So, after that final talk, my father and I went down to the stage to see if I could speak for a moment with him, at least to thank him for his visit and his talk. I waited patiently for a few minutes and finally had a moment to introduce my father and myself. He seemed a bit cool and distant. Not really interested at all in who we were or what congregation we were from.
    I know I am just writing from a memory of fifteen years ago, but I do remember feeling surprised at the abrupt and short nature of the encounter. Snotty? Not really, but hardly friendly either.


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