Here's a couple to check out if you can handle it without throwing up in your mouth. One of these even gives warnings about apostate sites and how to "safeguard" your mind from the attacks of apostates (lies...all lies...)
Pro-JW Websites
by bavman 7 Replies latest jw friends
I was able to click off the last site just before the vomit started its rapid ascent from my stomach.
Couldn't read more then 2 paragraphs. I guess the same is with them when they read "apostate" sites!
From my experience, websites that are pro-Witness, are about 80% actual Witness and 20% people faking it. The faking it part is often former Witnesses trying to get into the active Witnesses to learn something, or teach something in some less obvious manner.
When I read this, I didn't know whether to laugh, curse or throw up:
Genuine love is seen in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses, and in their worldwide organization
When it comes to jws, the words "genuine" and "love" really don't belong in the same sentence. Thanks bavman, I'll know to avoid those in the future.
I am surprised that the dubs are interested in the old and long since obsolete "truths" of their erratic organisation. Especially Russell's writings don't mean anything to JWs today.
I also noted their claim that the apostates will not debate doctrinal issues but only level accusations. It is the opposite that is in fact true, the jWs throw out all those that dissent without debating their positions.
The JWs are too concerned with Christian theory rather than its practice. Do they practice the gospel? Not really that much more than others. -
drew sagan
The JWs are too concerned with Christian theory rather than its practice. Do they practice the gospel? Not really that much more than others.
So true. They turn Christianty into a game of hind and seek. We must believe these 'hidden' Bible truths that only they could figure out.
Just think about it "What does the Bible REALLY Teach", as if there is some kind of hidden message that nobody has been able to see for centuries. -
jwfacts has a link to Jehovahs Witnesses in the news, which is the same link Danny just put in another thread as worth keeping up to day with.
It is not a very effective link to have on a pro JW site. One current story is about a JW tax agent that has extorted the Govt for $100,000's and another story is about a lady going for mayor who left the WTS due to the sexist policies.