Seven heads and Ten horns...

by Jim_TX 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jim_TX

    Okay... I was just sitting here reading through the postings, and got the thought...

    How many different 'organizations' has the WTBTS formed? I know that they have created several in the last few years... but am not sure what are their names (and don't really care, that much).

    If I am not mistaken... are there 10 'leaders' of the 'society' now? (Instead of the 1 'president')


    Then I got the thought - remember that scripture in Revelation... the 'beast'? The one with seven heads and ten horns?


    Hmmm... makes one think...


    Jim TX

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Jim, Interesting thought...I think that beast has something to do with governments...but good thought....Do you think the 'man of lawlessness' could be partially at least, the WT...? I really think the WT fits the 'evil slave' perfectly and the antitypical, 'peg of Shebna'. Did you ever look that up in Is. 22;15-25? What do you think of that?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The idea of those conventions in the big arenas where everyone is worshipping an imaginary god who is like a man who is like a beast, and buying and selling their love only to the others who are willing to worship the image


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