Your Schedule

by KW13 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Share your old dub schedule, should be interesting.

    Monday - School, then study. Hopefully have time to see friends and do something with them

    Tuesday - School, then 'get into the right frame of mind' before a meeting, meaning at about 2 hours before no normal music e.t.c (kindom melodies allowed though)

    Wednesday - School, then Thursday study. I remember i used to get upset and tired since it would drag on ages. If there was a video for the service meeting i'd have NO hope of seeing friends or doing anything since the folks would spend ages on every question.

    Thursday - School then meeting. This was worse than the Tuesday bookstudy because it meant that we spent longer getting ready, i didnt see friends or anything and no music e.t.c too near the meeting to get "into the right frame of mind". (kindom melodies allowed though)

    Friday - School and then for a period of time i had a personal study on this day with stepdad, a bit much eh?

    Saturday - Study for Sunday meeting, took AAAAAAAAGES cos mum/stepdad made Watchtower study a big deal, so bye bye weekend...

    Sunday - Out of the door and at the meeting at 20 to 10am since your meant to be there 20 mins before every meeting (flippin' society) and be there sometimes to 12:30pm-1:00pm and then yep, the ministry so we got back at like 3:00-3:30pm most Sundays. That meant the best of the day, weather and everything else had passed with me in a suit. HATED that in summer.

  • jgnat

    Ick. Mine's easier, as I'm "worldly" and my hubby is "spiritually weak".

    Monday - Yaaay! Not a meeting night. Put in a full day at work and pick out dinner. Lounge in front of the TV.

    Tuesday - Yaaay! Not a meeting night (ours is a shared hall). Put in a full day at work and go out to dinner. Maybe go mall cruising.

    Wednesday - Put in a full day of work. Hubby (suited) picks me up from the station and we share a submarine sandwich at the local deli. He drops me off at home and heads out to the TMS school and the other one.

    Thursday - Put in a full day of work. This is book study night. Hubby is 'restricted' from commenting, so he usually comes up with a stomach ailment just before the meeting. We go out to eat and take in a movie instead.

    Friday - Put in a full day of work and pick out dinner. Hubby begs me to do his Watchtower study for him. If it attacks "Christendom's Churches" I tell him he's on his own. If not, I highlight in about twenty minutes while browsing JWD. It goes faster if you read the question first. Also, that way I don't have to read the darn thing twice. Anything outrageous I post on JWD.

    Saturday - Play time! I have no idea what I'll do once hubby gets "approved" for service. Probably write or paint. Together we go mall walking, swimming, gardening, rent a movie, whatever. It's GREAT having the children grown with all our spare time to drive them places.

    Sunday - 10:00 AM Hubby drops me off at my church, at the back. Just in case any elders are snooping. Once a month I am with my favorite little people in Sunday School. Otherwise, I take in the service then hang around for ten minutes afterwards talking to my friends at church. 12:00 PM Hubby (suited) picks me up and we pick up a fast-food lunch. He drops me off at home and he goes to his afternoon service. I lounge around home until about three, when he bounds through the door and crows that Christendom won't last much longer. He shows me his convention badge. Down, boy.

    By the way, he spends several hours a day reading the literature and preparing for the meeting.

  • luna2

    I can hardly remember my "schedule" any more. Let's see if I can remember what it was back when I was going.

    Monday: Work 10 hours, get home at 7:30, throw something together for dinner or get fast food (son might even cook). Try to study whatever publication we were doing in the bookstudy. Was lucky if I even got it read through once.

    Tuesday: Off work. Out in service til noon (if I didn't have a headache), do laundry, clean house, go shopping, get ready for the flippin' bookstudy which was at 7:00. Blah.

    Wednesday: See Monday...insert study for TMS. Again, study = reading through the KM once.

    Thursday: Work 9 hours. For a while I'd attend the afternoon bookstudy at the KH from 4:00 to 5:00. Having Tuesday complete off was great...until they assigned me to another bookstudy group. Quick dinner, go to meeting at 7:00. Half the time I'd leave half way through. I was tired.

    Friday: Work 10 hours, go home, try to look at Watchtower. Mostly just skimmed it...then did whatever I felt like doing.

    Saturday: Almost never went out in service. I detested weekend service. Nobody home, farting around taking breaks all morning. Ugh! I can think of better things to do with my time. Usually went grocery shopping, did the usual cleaning and laundry, went to a movie or to the bookstore. Might look at Watchtower that night. Almost never underlined anything because I didn't care if anybody thought I was a good little studydub or not.

    Sunday: If the meeting was in the a.m., I usually made it. When we were on the afternoon schedule, I missed more. Almost never went out in service on sundays either.

    I was a pretty crappy little dub, huh?

  • KW13
    Ick. Mine's easier, as I'm "worldly" and my hubby is "spiritually weak".

    i think ya misunderstand, i am no longer a witness lol.

    I was a pretty crappy little dub, huh?

    still something else ya had to fit in, its hard!

  • beautifulisfree
    It goes faster if you read the question first. Also, that way I don't have to read the darn thing twice.

    And I thought I was the only one...LOL

  • jgnat

    Ohh, yeah, KW13. I get it. Yours is MUCH easier than mine, now. I was emoting a little sympathy for a yukky childhood. What a horrible schedule.

    I guess all I'm saying, as far as JW spouses go, mine's pretty light.

  • KW13
    I guess all I'm saying, as far as JW spouses go, mine's pretty light.

    thats cool

    It goes faster if you read the question first. Also, that way I don't have to read the darn thing twice.
    And I thought I was the only one...LOL

    Same here lol, but only when i studied alone

  • jgnat

    Yeah. Studying with my hubby means a two hour drudge.

  • KW13

    lol, i can imagine. i used to get so tired doing it, especially after school cos it was like concentrating all day - home is meant to be a break ya know?

  • diamondblue1974
    I lounge around home until about three, when he bounds through the door and crows that Christendom won't last much longer. He shows me his convention badge. Down, boy.

    LMAO....its funny how much drivel people speak when they have been to their meeting.

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