"Carry on Prayer" - A Gem of Truth from the FDS

by Honesty 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty

    I almost threw up when I read this tripe.

    How did it affect your senses?

    *** w64 9/15 p. 559 par. 1 “Carry On Prayer on Every Occasion in Spirit” ***

    SERVANTS of Jehovah are not only adept in using the Bible as a “sword of the spirit” in

    their public preaching but they also have a constant need to “carry on prayer on every

    occasion in spirit.” For this reason Jehovah’s witnesses are a praying people. Prayer is a

    prominent feature of their true worship of Jehovah today. By means of prayer they maintain direct personal

    relationship with God at all times. In every period of history it has been this warm, personal appeal to Jehovah by means of

    prayer that has distinguished Jehovah’s true worshipers from the apostates and pagans who in their imitation prayers feature

    formalisms and vanities of words.

  • under_believer

    Help me out here--what was wrong with that quote? Maybe I'm just missing it. My only guess is the bit at the end about how "pagans and apostates" don't pray correctly.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I think the barf comes from them simply stating how 'important' prayer is to their religion and the individual beliver as a way to build up their image.

    An interesting side point I've allways enjoyed:

    SERVANTS of Jehovah are not only adept in using the Bible as a “sword of the spirit” in their public preaching

    Interesting that Paul likened the word of God to a 'sword' that could cut through and expose SIN. I allways love how JWs read this wrong and think it's telling them to go out and use it as a tool to "expose false religion". Just another misrepresentation in JW Land.

  • Finally-Free
    By means of prayer they maintain direct personal relationship with ignore God at all times. while using the prayer to summerize the meeting to the audience.


  • KW13


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