I almost threw up when I read this tripe.
How did it affect your senses?
*** w64 9/15 p. 559 par. 1 “Carry On Prayer on Every Occasion in Spirit” ***
SERVANTS of Jehovah are not only adept in using the Bible as a “sword of the spirit” in
their public preaching but they also have a constant need to “carry on prayer on every
occasion in spirit.” For this reason Jehovah’s witnesses are a praying people. Prayer is a
prominent feature of their true worship of Jehovah today. By means of prayer they maintain direct personal
relationship with God at all times. In every period of history it has been this warm, personal appeal to Jehovah by means of
prayer that has distinguished Jehovah’s true worshipers from the apostates and pagans who in their imitation prayers feature
formalisms and vanities of words.