Now that I have your attention, I would like to bring your attention to this very simple, very irrefutable, very discussable, truth. Climates and Claims When one is to use the blanket, one would eventually overacclimate one's self to the warmth provided by said thread tortilla, thereby prompting one to waddle to the air conditioner and turn on such an ice factory. Such actions apparently fuel global warming. Such warming is apparently bad. But if it is bad, why did Earth invent blankets in the first place? I say Earth probably deserves global warming for blanketing herself in an "atmosphere". Earth is sort of a dirty bitch. The dirty part is not our fault. The bitch part is not our fault either. She is the one who invented blankets, caused global warming, and started the recent bouts of spotty weather. The dirtiness is from Earth's lack to wash up; the bitchiness is the weather. It is also accurate to say that Earth is a groupie whore to the Sun, watching his every move as though he were some sort of rock star. Earth acts as if her world revolves around him. One's self need not worry about global warming, but about keeping Earth at her current distance from the Sun. Any closer and not only will Sun press charges, he will shoot fire out of his face and erupt us into a ball of burning people. - teddygee
Global Warming Warming Politics Violent Kennedy Sex
by FOSHLL 6 Replies latest jw friends
I would smoke some of your weed, but that would only contribute to the problem.
You should put that to music FOS and Im not kiddin.
Wow ! This is awesome....
It is also accurate to say that Earth is a groupie whore to the Sun, watching his every move as though he were some sort of rock star. Earth acts as if her world revolves around him. One's self need not worry about global warming, but about keeping Earth at her current distance from the Sun. Any closer and not only will Sun press charges, he will shoot fire out of his face and erupt us into a ball of burning people. - teddygee
hemp lover
"Earth is a groupie whore to the Sun, watching his every move as though he were some sort of rock star. Earth acts as if her world revolves around him."
Those might just be my two favorite sentences...EVER. -
DEFINITELY set that to music!!!
And she's not smoking ANYTHING, ballistic -- she is a fey child who sees beyond the rules and constraints most people impose upon themselves. People like her may be able to coax the whore into being a lady.