When I studied, I believed it all. You know, not only the new system stuff but all the things relating to how bad 'wordly education' is, elders deserve our unequivocal support, apostates are evil, etc etc.
It must have been about 2 years into my love afair with the org that I began to have serious misgivings about the conduct of elders. I also began to realise that we NEEDED educated professionals to carry out the services which we all partake of (doctors, lawers, etc). I began to think along contrary lines to what the official party policy was. I felt guilty about it, thinking that I was somehow a weak witness although at face value I was your true blue JW.
IMO, 2 years passing before 'thinking out the box', was`nt really a long time.
So, how about you? Is this a normal amount of time to pass before questioning the org? When did you start to think about things? What were the things you 1st began to have problems with?