How To (Possibly) Cure Almost Any Disease

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    No Joke!

    What do almost all chronic diseases have in common? Inflammation! Cancer, Lupus, Crohns, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart trouble,

    Alzheimers - or any disease that ends in the suffix "-itis".

    Result? Stop the inflammation and you stand a good chance of stopping the disease. This is the conclusion of a growing number of

    medical authorities - although, it is unlikely to get much favorable press in an industry dominated by drug companies and others

    whose income is threatened by such a conclusion.

    The above is not just idle theory. In my own household, I've witnessed the decline - or outright disappearance of various chronic conditions

    that the M.D.'s couldn't do much of anything about. My IBS vanished over a period of months after I adopted a diet that included

    large amounts of fish oil, flax seed and meditation - which all work against an inflammatory response.


    and even a patent on an anti inflammatory "food"

    Barry Sears book on anti inflammatory diet is a good start. Be prepared to give up a lot of sugar and fat - and learn to love fish oil,

    curcumin, rosemary, ginger and olive oil.

    Even drugs like asprin or statin drugs ( Zocor, Lipitor, etc) may get their beneficial effect on coronary problems by their action in reducing

    inflammation within arteries.

    I'm frequently amazed at the simple treatments that get buried amidst a market-driven ( i.e. profit-driven) health care industry.


    P.S. some Korean researchers claim to have isolated a biochemical that rejuvenates old cells - but no one knows what

    to make of it yet. I think Nature published the results.

  • damselfly

    Arthritic clients of mine have experienced great relief from that anti inflammatory diet. It was prescribed by their doctors or Naturopaths.
    I admit I haven't looked into it too much myself though.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Metatron, Thank you for sharing this , my family and I rarely go to the doctor, we usually use homeopathic remedies and are always looking out for new info on the body healing itself.

    God Bless you,


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Metatron,

    Thank you for posting that information. I just posted on a couple of other threads yesterday that apparently disease cannot thrive and progress in a alkaline system. When you have disease, such as cancer, etc.. it is because the bodys PH balance is screwed up and needs to be corrected from a too acidic system to a alkaline system. Apparently you get your system changed. See more info in "natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. I have tried a ccouple of his natural suggestions and they have been almost miraculas. I realize though you cannot believe everything you read. Just thought I would add my 2 cents worth!


    Lady Liberty

  • daniel-p

    Many diseases are preventabe and treatable by just getting off our fat asses, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet. If I had a nickle for every diabetes sufferer I've known who consoled their woe with boxes of cheap cookies, 40 0z. soft drinks, and an array of fruit-flavored tarts, then well, you know, i would have at least tree-fitty. Now, I know that my comment will elicit a salvo of denunciations from the eternally-ill category of posters, so that is why this must be a "post-and-run," (and please take it with a grain of salt).
    As far as the wicked and deplorable medical and pharmaceutical industries, how could they propell us into the 21st Century with life-saving drugs and treatments!?! Give me the dark ages, please. I would rather live a good 45 years with no teeth than live to 80 on the same planet as those capitalist scoundrels.
    EDIT: And about the body's ph level: Read any anatomy or organic chemistry textbook and it will let you know that the body's ph cannot be significantly altered, only your STOMACH ACIDS.

  • RunningMan

    Although I agree that healthy diet, exersize, good attitude, etc, etc, can go a long way to making a person healthier, I have to raise a flag of caution around fad diets when it comes to serious illnesses. My son has Chron's, and we have investigated and tried many of the diet cures. Our experience has been enlightening, but very disappointing.

    For example, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet caused an immediate flare up, and actually made most of the rest of the family sick as well. (We all go on the diet, for support). Jordan Rubin's "Maker's Diet" is nothing but a fraud, as is he himself. His book is filled with deceptions and outright lies. We tried the fish oils, probiotics, and omega 3 fatty acids. At best, they did nothing. At worst, they made the condition worse, since oils tend to have a laxative effect.

    In the end, we finally put him back on just about everything - avoiding only the foods that we know bother him. He is healthier and heavier than ever. His gastroenterologist agrees with this conclusion. In fact, he told us this before we started the experiments.

  • DannyHaszard

    I am wearing an ileostomy bag from my total proctocolectomy (removal of my entire rotted out bowel) from 28 years of brutal bleeding ulcerative colitis yes -itis

    I have spent pre-Internet tens of thousands of hours of R+D some of my findings are discussed here Gamma-linolenic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I was cured by the surgery in 1998 so since then i have done no more research since i am occupied exposing the wicked watchtower.

    Thanks to Watchtower false prophet predictions my formal education ceased in 1973 in secondary school,yes indeed a mind is a terrible thing to waste.-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • metatron

    In regard to my own digestive woes, it did take time for the diet ( and meditation) to work. It wasn't right away.

    I accepted that eating a lot of ground flax seed would get 'things cleared out' - often so that I wasn't bothered the rest of the day.

    Over months, the intestinal cells are replaced and 'turned over' thereby, so it can take time.


  • DannyHaszard

    How do i know that nobody,including any alleged conspiracy by big pharma is pigeon-holing and suppressing any break through cures or schemes for life-extension?

    Check the obits,yes they and their loved ones all die of the same stuff as us regular folks.Think about tell me if i'm wrong,they do make mistakes including master blunders.

    Big blunder for example,my 28 years of ulcerative colitis had nothing to do with stress as i was told by my doctors (and JW elders too) how can i be so sure?Because millions of people on this earth live out lives of constant stress and horrid conditions and they don't get ulcers.It was an auto-immune disease this i'm sure of.

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