Jw's hypocritical view of 'Sincerity'....

by AK - Jeff 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Witnesses always use this argument to provide proof of the need to 'examine one's religion'.;

    "Sincerity alone will not please God, but worshipping Him in 'Truth' will".....Yet when faced with clear wrong doctrine or chronology or misapplied scripture the common Witness reply is to 'leave it in Jehovah's hands and He will correct it in his due time'.

    If He can correct it within the religion of Jehovah's witnesses - why can't he correct the same problems within the other churches?

    Time and time again the Watchtower magazines used this argument in various forms;


    Sincerity Alone Please God? 1-1-64 Wt

    Is Sincerity Enough? 6-1-56 Wt


    Sincerely Believing Change Wrong into Right? 2-15-64 Wt

    Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion 3-15-69 Wt


    Sincerity Alone Please God? 6-15-81 Wt

    I always found this to be simplistic and hypocritical to say - yet as a dub I often found myself doing so.....


  • bigmouth

    As a Witness, it never occured to me that I didn't have the 'truth'.I was exempt from such a need to study anything, it was all done for me!

    As I became more critical, the oft repeated statement to 'not forget where you first learned the truth' began to bother me. It was always explained that if you came across something that didn't make sense then just leave it in Jehovahs hands. If you've got to research the matter outside the orgs. literature then you must be weak.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Jeff.... I think this is a majorly important issue... Because as a witness, I was always told and taught that God doesn't care how sincere you are.. You have to have accurate knowledge... and accurate knowledge was all that mattered..not sincerity.

    Truthfully, I can't imagine a God who wouldn't care how sincere you are, but only cared about knowledge.

    There is the scripture in I Cor. 13..where it says, tongues, knowledge and prophesy would be done away with. But all that remains is faith, hope and love..the greatest being love.

    To me, since knowledge and prophesy being done away with, means God doesn't give a hoot about accurate knowledge...but rather faith, hope and love.

  • BizzyBee

    I've always wondered:

    if accurate knowledge was important to Jeehoover why would would need so many little brightly-colored books - shelf after shelf of them - to explain His purposes?

    Plus magazines each month - plus assemblies, etc. Hmmmmmmm...........

  • parakeet

    ***"Sincerity alone will not please God, but worshipping Him in 'Truth' will".....Yet when faced with clear wrong doctrine or chronology or misapplied scripture the common Witness reply is to 'leave it in Jehovah's hands and He will correct it in his due time'.***

    WT double-speak reminds me of a scene from the musical "Chicago," where a woman discovers her boyfriend in bed with not one, but two other women. In reply to her furious outburst, he says, "Come on, doll! You gonna believe what you see or what I tell you?" Those are his last words before she shoots him.
    That could be the WTS slogan: "Believe what I tell you ('Leave it in Jehovah's hands'), not what you see ('contradictions in doctrine')."

  • greendawn

    That "leave it all in jehovah's hands" is infuriatingly hypocritical just as when they say to a JW that is in need "pray to jehovah and it will all be fine".

    They are supposed to actively work to fix problems and not throw everything on their jehovah, eg false doctrine must be corrected as soon as possible. But if it's not in their interests to correct it they say wait on jehovah because in that way it will never be dealt with.

  • Dansk


    As a Witness, it never occured to me that I didn't have the 'truth'.I was exempt from such a need to study anything, it was all done for me!

    This is the whole crux of the problem with JWs. I daresay all of us here can identify with your statement. I certainly can! By not researching, because I felt I didn't need to as it had all been done for me, it left me free to do other things - and boy, did we need time to do other things because Watchtower had us working every hour of the day (doing assignements, preparing for meetings, going out on the field misery, etc). I was mentally and physically shattered at times and anxious over many things - all Watchtower caused!

    Every day is now wonderfully refreshing, knowing I am free of all that restrictive garbage!


  • greendawn

    Do the JWs worship God in truth given that they keep changing their doctrines and what is the truth today tomorrow will become a lie, a false doctrine? Strange how their jehovah can't give them the truth once and for all and they need to find it by a strange trial and error process

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