As if three sixes are not bad enough we have here four of them. I take this opportunity to damn the beast 666 of Revelation, strangely enough Moses lifted up the copper serpent that symbolised the Christ as the future saviour. Yet the serpent is the symbol of the Devil so how comes Christ came to be associated with it? Would Moses have used a copper 666 beast if he had known about it?
Somehow the serpent was swallowed by another serpent and perhaps the beast 666 will be swallowed by another beast 666.
Post number 6666
by greendawn 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
BlackSwan of Memphis
On the other hand...
6 by 4= 24
Maybe this is a sign that one of the twenty four elders is amongst us.
Could it be You greendawn?
BSoM (of the really should be working right now class)
Black Swan thanks for the kind words, I wish I were one of the 24 elders though in a highly symbolic book their number is probably symbolic just like that of the 144 000.
Why are both Christ and the Devil associated with the serpent It's probably just a coincidence, you shouldn't read too much into these things. You can of course make the link between the copper serpent and Jesus being a saviour, but I don't remember this symbolism occuring anywhere else in the Bible.