Google has just launched a new service they're calling "Google U.S. Government Search," at This is particularly keen because it allows us to easily limit our searches to the .gov TLD. Try searching for "watchtower" or "jehovah". Using this resource I have already found some interesting items:
- HOLLY BERRY & a. v. WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. & a., a 2004 appeals hearing regarding a sexual abuse suit wherein an earlier dismissal of Ms. Berry & a.'s claims were dismissed (a sad situation, too... this poor woman went to her elders complaining of "ten to twelve separate occasions that her husband was abusing their children," but the elders did nothing about it.)
-, the Navy Chaplain's information page on JW's (taken from
-, a docket page from the US Supreme Court which lists resources for the well-known WBTS vs Village of Stratton case, including addresses and phone numbers of the Society and MORMON AND BAPTIST (!!!!!) lawyers involved in the case
-, the Society's zoning and permit submission to the NYC planning commission about the well-known DUMBO construction project