Eden's snake=Watchtower?

by mkr32208 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    Was talking to 'anne' tonight and had a thought... (gotta be a first time for everything right!)

    If you break the story down to brass tacks what really happened was this. In Eden the snake said "you don't need god! You need this apple!"

    Most religions say "you need god! You HAVE to have god"

    The watchtower says "you don't need god! What you need is this watchtower!"

    We've all seen quotes saying things like "you could study the bible for a lifetime and yet without the watchtower and the publications you will never find the truth" and other bs! Isn't that in essence the EXACT same things that the snake was saying?

  • Virgochik

    Interesting theory. Both ideas are from Satan, if you follow it through. Both are designed to detract from God.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I agree, it is saying the exact same thing. Great insight.

    My father in law told my husband that, we are not smart enough to figure it out, we need the FDS and their publications to tell us everything.


  • PopeOfEruke

    snakes can't talk. No vocal cords.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    1. The serpent engages her by asking a question about how she understood God.
    2. The serpent then proceeds to 'explain God's mind' to her
    3. After going along with the serpents suggestion they believe they are 'naked' - exposed/sinful

    Who told you you were naked ? the wtbts ?

  • mkr32208

    Well, I'm naked and I don't need anyone to tell me! I just look down!

  • mkr32208
    snakes can't talk. No vocal cords.

    Harry Potter said they can and I've found him to be much more reliable than the bible!

  • Terry

    Who gave the most accurate information to Adam?

    God said: In the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die.

    The serpent said: You will not die. But, your eyes will be opened and you will become as God knowing Good and Bad.

    Adam lived 930 years.

  • mkr32208

    Well that shoots my theory in the foot nothing those nimrods in NY say is accurate!

  • daystar
    The watchtower says "you don't need god! What you need is this watchtower!"

    But that's not what they say. They say you need God too, only that He speaks through the Watchtower.

    I think you're reaching. The serpent's goal was to free mankind from the slave god's authority. The WBTS's goal is certainly not to free mankind from much of anything.

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