Social Security for Aliens

by Phil 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phil

    Anybody hear anything about this? Illegals granted Social Security

    By Charles Hurt
    May 19, 2006

    The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment -- even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.
    "There was a felony they were committing, and now they can't be prosecuted. That sounds like amnesty to me," said Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican who offered the amendment yesterday to strip out those provisions of the immigration reform bill. "It just boggles the mind how people could be against this amendment."
    The Ensign amendment was defeated on a 50-49 vote.
    "We all know that millions of undocumented immigrants pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for years and sometimes decades while they work to contribute to our economy," said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican.
    "The Ensign amendment would undermine the work of these people by preventing lawfully present immigrant workers from claiming Social Security benefits that they earned before they were authorized to work in our community," he said. "If this amendment were enacted, the nest egg that these immigrants have worked hard for would be taken from them and their families."
    Mr. Ensign was among 44 Republicans and five Democrats who voted to block such payouts.
    "It makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants for criminal behavior while our Social Security system is already in crisis," said Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican. "Why in the world would we endorse this criminal activity with federal benefits? The Senate missed a big opportunity to improve this bill, and I doubt American seniors will be pleased with the result."
    Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, said it would be unfair to deny illegals the benefits.
    "We should not steal their funds or empty their Social Security accounts," he said. "That is not fair. It does not reward their hard work or their financial contributions. It violates the trust that underlies the Social Security Trust Fund."
    Within hours, the vote had become an issue in this fall's elections, raised by a Republican challenger to Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Michigan Democrat.
    "Instead of protecting the retirement security of Americans who are earning an honest living and abiding by the laws of our country, Debbie Stabenow sided with people who are here illegally and abuse our Social Security system," Oakland County, Mich., Sheriff Michael Bouchard said in a press release. "Allowing illegal immigrants to use their illegal work history as credit towards receiving Social Security benefits shows that Debbie Stabenow has forgotten who she is supposed to be working for in the U.S. Senate."
    The Senate also yesterday approved an amendment to adopt English as the nation's official language, while reversing course from the day before on protections for U.S. workers who will face new competition from unskilled immigrant labor under the Senate bill. In addition, senators voted last night to kill an amendment that would have specified that the guest-worker program will not provide visas that would provide a path to citizenship.
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  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    It's not law yet, it still has to pass the House and the House isn't buying it. (at least not until after the November elections)

    On the radio in L.A. today, a lady was telling about her 2 year battle with the Social Security Administration..... seems her SS number has been used by 81 illegal aliens and it has created many, many problems for her. In fact, they wouldn't allow her back into the country for several hours because the number was flag.... the irony is that the illegals use the number day in and day out and NOTHING happens to them, except they get employed. This woman's life is now turned upside down. She was told the only way she could get a new SS number is if she were to be put into the WITNESS PROTECTION program....which the government would be willing to do, but she would have to change her name and all of her records. This woman's mother and grandmother were born in Mexico and they came here LEGALLY many years ago before she was born. They're all incensed at the illegal's attitude of using the system to their advantage and the Amercian taxpayer picking up the bill.

  • Gerard

    It will never pass.


    Look folks. Both Parties are at fault on this one. If you or I, read AMERICAN CITIZENS did this they would through the book at us. However, since the Republicrats & the Demicans are two sides of the same corrupt coin, we the citizens will be screwed.

    The Republicrats are in the pocket of big business that has an insatiable appetite for cheaper and cheaper labor. The Demacans want more voters to insulate them from another uster from power ala The Contract With America, that put them in minority status for the first time in 40 years.

    I for one, will not be voting for Feinstein this year.

  • Snoozy

    I wonder what they will be paying them with?

    From all I hear SS won't be around much longer..too many crooked hands in the pocket. It seems like everytime they need money for something they borrow from the SS fund...because someone else has borrowed from THAT fund..easy for politicians to steal and cover their tracks that way. Oh well..

    But if so many people are paying into that persons SS fund..shouldn't that person be raking in the Max?..

    Snoozy..who hopes her SS lasts as long as she does...

    But what about my kids? and Grandkids?

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