Agenda of Special Meetings Now Revealed...

by Abaddon 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    This is just the extract, I'll post more details as I translate the Ancient Hebrew the agenda is written in using the powers given me by the holy spigot;

    1/ Beards are okay
    2/ You can throw confetti at weddings
    3/ Smurfs are not demonic
    4/ Blood, masturbation and oral sex are now compulsory, and a part of each meeting
    5/ Christmas and birthdays are okay

    Does anyone else have difficulty believing they believed this stuff? Oh, no she's thrown confetti at the bride!!! As if God would care?, unless there is like an 11th Commandment "Thou shalt not thro little pieces of paper at the recently betrothed".

  • Zep

    do you think this meeting thing will make it's way into WT prophecy like all that 1919 & 1922 Cedar Point, Ohio bullshit?

  • Latte


    Was there any mention about Bonfire Night? My daughter was asking recently, I really would like to give her the correct answer to this one. I would hate it if we attended, and we found ourselves ENJOYING the firework's.



  • Abaddon

    The Holy Spigot informs me fireworks are fine, just as long as you are wearing green knickers (panties to you American's) over your trousers, and have inserted a radish in the cat's bottom.

    I have further revelations about the special meetings, as I can now decrypt a 144 digit encyphered transmission on a a phone line anywhere in the world by licking my finger and putting it up (where, Lord Blah of Leggies wishes me not to say).

    6/ Only Sisters may be elders, and only when they're having their period, thus all the women get a chance to crack the whip organisationally.

    7/ You still have to report your field service, but it now HAS to be in fields, and you have to burn the report slip so Lord Blah of Leggies gets it direct.

    8/ The Governing Body are going to tour as a 'Chipendale' style strip act called 'Wrinkly but hung'.

    9/ The entire songbook is being re-written by Morrisey in conjunction with Napalm Death and an old lady from Palm Bitch (a beach resort in Kansas).

    10/ Smurfs are demonised after all, but it's okay, they can be your little demon buddies!! Just like the Teletubbies and Pokemons!

    11/ Apostates must be confronted on the spot and told to stick their vile outpourings where the new light don't shine.

    This and much more, in this week's episode of 'Terminal Work Avoidance Syndrome'.

  • Latte


    You said
    ***just as long as you are wearing green knickers (panties to you American's) over your trousers,***

    Do you mean Bikini, High leg or Thongs?? The correct understanding of this one is of the utmost importance..........I don't wish to risk looking SILLY.

    You also said
    ***6/ Only Sisters may be elders, and only when they're having their period, thus all the women get a chance to crack the whip organisationally.***

    This is the change I've been waiting for!! Look out everyone! LOL


  • Abaddon

    I am directed to inform you that the choice of cut of undergarment worn over your trousers (pants to you Americans) is down to an individual Christian's giraffe. Let your giraffe be your guide in this one.

    And if in doubt, Lo! Raise your eyes up! What do you see? "Please remember not to stumble your brothers!".

    My giraffe is crying "Ah-ha!" as I have a meeting to go to I can't sleep through, and it wants to listen to a stodgy pop-rock Swede monstrosity while I do.

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