Watched the Noah Vid the other week at my folks place. Gritted my teeth and sat through it! My dad thought the commentators voice was familiar. Any brits know who it was. My dad thought it was ?Jack Barr.
The Noah Video
by deeskis 7 Replies latest jw experiences
I havent seen it and could put myself through it. I gave the public talk on the flood, so researched all the evidence for the flood. There is so much evidence that the fundamentalist view of a global flood is impossible that it is too frustrating to have to listen to the same old lines over again.
The video looked like it was produced by 1 year olds.... I would not even let a 2year old watch.
The topic is meant for adults, the artwork is worthy to be watched by a newborn
There is a transcript of the video here for those unfamiliar with it:
Our family used to watch WTS videos in lieu of having a family study when my parents were too tired or just too lazy (quite often the case) to actually prepare something from a book. They all were awful.
I think his name is Barr. He gave a talk at our hall once as a special speaker from Bethel...all the kids crowded around him to meet the famous Noah video voice.
Thanks synergy
I love having information that my parents don't.!
I remember when I watched that video and was disgusted by it. I'd heard others in the congregation simply raving about it. I watched it and just wondered why I couldn't see the brilliance in it like everyone else. It was a cheap and nasty peice of work.
That video was a minor part of why I left. I saw how everybody was fawning over the video's animation even thouh it resembled an acid trip of a preacher.