I have fully rejected the false religion of Jehovah's witnesses - after 43 years a believer in the nonsense. Now though, I often find that I still filter the world thru Watchtower spectacles, even after almost three years out. I don't do it on purpose, in fact I defy the Wt doctrine whenever I can and work hard to change my mindset to more 'moderate Christian' thinking. Still it persists at times and infuriates me;
Flag salute - voting - politics - friendships - grooming - view of sex and marriage - movie ratings - various holidays. On and On. Not that I still follow the Wt thinking - I don't. But I still have it weighing heavily on the scale when I think of how to handle certain matters or situations in life.
Just bugs me that my mind was submerged so deeply that I can't get this shyty doctrine out of mind and live my life at times. Damn.
There were many good things that came out of the experience - my wife for one. And my upright character and honesty for another. These things I don't regret - I just wish the filters would fall away and let me think without the overlays of thought.