There is a local brother that was appointed to eldership in January. He was dating and was recently put on reproof...denounced his eldership and married this sister like within a month. We all know what happened...but I think it sucks that he covered his ass in such a way. If it had been a regular j-dub we would've been booted out. I'm told he was real repentant. How do you judge a persons degree of repentance??? Of course as an elder he knows exactly what to say. It makes me sick that these individuals are in the position to sit and judge the little people when they're doing the same thing.
Just informed...
by tan 9 Replies latest jw experiences
***It makes me sick that these individuals are in the position to sit and judge the little people when they're doing the same thing.***
Their actions prove they are smaller than the little people they presume to judge. -
Lady Lee
when my elder husband realized I was going to rat him out he stepped down to "spend more time with his family". I set it up and gave him his way out. Now I wish I hadn't and had let him take the fall. The JC figured that his stepping down was a sign of remorse rather than an attempt to protect his a$$.
They get away with it because the WTS operates on a policy where if no one knows it can be brushed under the carpet
yeah it make me pretty sick too
They get away with it because the WTS operates on a policy where if no one knows it can be brushed under the carpet
Funny how "if no one knows" includes a wife who does know. You can bet that if a husband knows about his wife's indiscretion, he isn't counted as "no one".
Along similar lines.
I recently heard that of a JW girl who I was saw when she was about ten, she now 21. Has been disfellowshipped for fornication with a JW brother. She got pregnant but unfortunately miscarried. Of course they appeared before a Judicial Committee.
She was disfellowshipped.
He was reproved.
The girl said she didn't get pregnant on her own. So whats the difference?
The Elders probably said the brother was repentant.
Or could it do with the fact his father was an Elder.
or am I being cynical.
You aren't being cynical... that's how it goes in WT land. If you have a penis and shed some tears at a JC, you are considered "repentant". If you don't have a penis and shed some tears at a JC, you are considered an emotionally manipulative slut.
Besides, if they DF someone with a penis, they won't have as many people to do the microphones.
(Now that was cynical.)
Besides, if they DF someone with a penis, they won't have as many people to do the microphones.
(Now that was cynical.)
But so very true...
...Though I had the opposite happen to me. In my case, I was publically reproved (ostensibly because I was an MS and a Pioneer), but the sister in question wasn't reproved at all.
We were in two different congregations and the situation was handled by two separate BOEs who disagreed on the amount of "correction" needed. -
There is a double standard. But what I have personally seen is that if the brother doesn't cry he will get disfellowshipped.
They want to SEE that they have control over your feelings.
Greetings tan,
:It makes me sick that these individuals are in the position to sit and judge the little people when they're doing the same thing.
Welcome to the "it makes me sick" club tan. Those bastards should be emasculated for having the nerve to sit in judgement of anyone.