The most recent Awake! has a really stupid comment from a reader published in response to a story about a brother getting over a drink problem:
He stated that those in the congregation "were always by my side to give me encouragement." But should he not have been reproved or even expelled from the Christian congregation?
Well that's just lovely, isn't it, how love prompted this brother, not to be happy that his fellow brother overcame a serious problem, but rather to put his concern in writing that the congregation shouldn't have been so lenient! And the editors are just as stupid for publishing it. Just imagine how you would feel if you were that brother who had the drink problem, and you really believe it is the truth, and your story was even published in the magazine (oh my!) only to have another brother question the situation in front of "the whole association of brothers." (or at least the small proportion of them who bother to read the Awake!) I would imagine a true believer would be fairly gutted by a response like that, as well as by the fact that the editiors of the Awake! decided to publish it.
On the other hand, looking at it from another angle, could the comment be a sly sideswipe from an apostate minded individual? Reading the comment that way, rather than wishing the congregation were stricter with this individual, could this be the reader's way of pointing out that "encouragement" rather than expulsion produced a good outcome? So maybe the question was tinged with irony. What do you think - possible, or am I reading too much into it?
Anyway, it gave me a great idea for a game (probably been done before on the forum, but here goes): let's all write comments from readers and send them off to the Awake! to see which one of us dastardly apostates can manage to get published? Two routes to success seem to present themselves: either spot a factual error which is fairly significant so they feel they need to acknowledge the error, at the same time not so significant, or subjective, so that they would be too embarrassed to publish it - alternatively, be obsequious to the point of nausea. Hey, if it's really over the top it might even merit a whole article of it's own on the back page - you know the ones "How an Awake! Article on Strawberries Saved my Life!", something along those lines.
Who is game?