Posted by SJ on 2/20/2001, 8:58 pm To the Household of God, Israel, that is in the earth: May you have peace!
I know that this matter has enjoyed great discussion over the past year or so (indeed, longer), and particularly on H20. To date, I have refrained from commenting on the subject, with the exception of stating that it was a 'conscious matter' and the Body of Christ would not want to infringe on the conscious of another... whether in deciding to take blood or telling others to refrain... and reminding the Body of Christ that the 'change' by the WTBTS was of no concern to us... indeed, we would wait instruction from our Leader.
After that point, I never asked regarding the matter, as I have known and been shown that holy spirit teaches us 'all things'... and indeed it has for me. So, I knew that in his given time (the 'proper' time), if my Lord had anything to say on the matter he would. And, now, he has.
I was not considering the matter at all when my Lord came to me and said, "The life is in the blood... the life is in the blood...", to which I replied, "Yes, Lord." He then asked me, "Would you, if another's life depended on it, give your blood?" Reminded of the 'error' of Jezebel, stated in Revelation 3, I answered "NO, Lord!" And as I said 'no', I was reminded of my brother Peter, and the 'event' when a linen of 'unclean things' descended to him... and he refused to eat.
My Lord then asked me, "What happens when one eats blood?" and at first I was confused, so I didn't answer right away. "Where does it GO?", he asked me. "Does it not pass THROUGH a man, and empty OUT of him, into the sewer?" To which I replied, "Yes, Lord." "And is it what goes INTO a man that defiles a man?", asked my Lord, to which I replied, "No, Lord, but it is what comes OUT of a man."
My Lord then asked me, "Would I profane the Covenant of my Father?", to which I replied, "No, Lord, you would not." "And, yet," my Lord asked me, "what is it that I asked you to do with MY blood?"
Okay, now at THIS point, I was a little startled. "Why, drink it," is what I replied. "And what happens when you drink MY blood?", he asked me. Again, I was a bit confused, and so he asked me, "Does it pass OUT of you?" To which I replied, "No, Lord, for your blood is holy spirit... and it remains IN me."
Now, at this point, I thought of the wine that represents my Lord's 'blood' (holy spirit), and he read my heart and said, "Indeed, the wine does pass out of you, but my spirit remains, does it not?" To which I replied that yes, it did.
"How is it then," asked my Lord, that if I am willing to give MY blood for you... so that you may have life, that you are not willing to give YOUR blood, so that your brother might live?" Again, I was completely startled. I had never thought of it that way. My Lord then asked me, "If your brother were hungry, would you feed him?" to which I replied that I would. "If he were naked, would you clothe him?" And I said, "Yes, of course." "But," my Lord asked me, if he were lying in front of you, dying for want of blood, you would not give him YOUR blood, YOUR life? Even though I gave you MINE? Truly, no one has greater love than this: that he would give his LIFE... for his friends. Is not YOUR life in YOUR blood? And would you not give YOUR life... for your friend?"
Okay, so NOW... I am really starting to see where he's going with this. "Of COURSE I would give my life," I said. "I would do what you did." And he asked me, "I gave my life... and my blood... did I not?" To which I replied, "yes".
The conversation continued and this is what I given:
1. In following the 'pattern' of his giving his life for me, I am OBLIGATED to give my life on behalf of others. Since the life is in the blood, I am OBLIGATED to give my blood.
2. 'Abstaining' from blood means abstaining from the consumption of blood for the frivolous maintenance of life. There are other 'means of maintenance'... food... that can do the job. However, giving another your blood in order to save their LIFE... is a demonstration of love. And love... is the Law's fulfillment.
3. Under the Law Covenant, Israelites could NOT mix blood because the life is IN the blood, and it was by this physical means that JAH could tell WHO was Israel. Israel's BLOODLINE proved who they were. However, now that all things 'physical' have been REPLACED by that which is spiritual, Israel it not determined by IT'S blood, red homoglobin, but by the 'blood' of God... HOLY SPIRIT. Those who have been 'transfused'... anointed... with holy spirit... are Israel.
4. If given blood were as transgression against the Law Covenant, my Lord would NOT have directed any to 'drink' his. Indeed, he gave us wine to represent his blood, but this was because drinking it LITERALLY would have caused it to 'pass through' us and empty out into the sewer... thus devaluing its worth. He was not speaking of physical blood that would do this, but SPIRITUAL blood, that would stay IN us... and grant us 'life'... his life... the life that was in HIS 'blood'.
My Lord continued our conversation by saying to me, in response to my concern about going before the throne of my Father and having to justify giving another my blood, "What truly does my Father want... for you to OBEY, rather than sacrifice, yes? So, you giving your life, rather than trying to gain it... would be in obedience to the 'pattern' that I set, yes?" To which I replied that I agreed.
"And then," said my Lord, "did I not tell you, with regard to the life of OTHERS... 'I want MERCY... and not sacrifice?" To which I replied, "Yes". And he asked me, "Then are you willing to extend mercy to another... and give your life, just as I did?" to which I replied, "Yes, I am."
I then asked him, "I am, too, Lord, free to TAKE blood," to which my Lord responded that I was not. I am free to GIVE blood, to save another, but as Israel, I am not free to TAKE it. For it is HIS blood, holy spirit, that will save me, that will make "[my] mortal alive, through his spirit that dwells in me." Romans 8:11
He also said that I must know and recognize... and to the extent possible, let any that I give my blood to... that such 'life' is not the 'real' life... and any benefit... is temporary.
To all that have ears... may you 'hear' what the spirit says to the congregation... and may the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you!
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,