Everything layed out in the Temple secrets Moshiach:
His name will be in the name of the Temple/"MIKdaSH"-(Melakim {I Kings8:43)
'MIKdash' note Dash means =in regards to, therefore the term MIKdash shows us the Temple is a building in regards to Mike.
Let's walk through the Temple-
First thing comes the cleansing water (MIKveh)
Claiming to Be the spiritual water is claiming to be the cleansing from death (remover of death worship), that which comes from the head of the hosts (head of the Temple ) Michael called the messenger of LIFE.
Next we walk through the Holy place where we find the golden table on which was the bread of the Presence
called the SHEW (SHEV) Bread which we already discussed.
We see in this section of the temple is found the seven candle sticks (7 lights) Seven in Hebrew is SHEVA.-there is your light. IN Rev it talks about the seven stars surounding the son of man exactly as the seven in the Legion of Michael's messengers because in the Talmud the head of the Host and in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Bible the head of the Congregation is Michael this is even in the Muslim faith's Koran where Michael is the Prayer leader (Imam).
Let's go onto the next room, the Holy of Holies which has the Ark of the Covenenant which
Moshiach is the true rock (Daniel reveals this Rock as Michael), and the word which is stored inside the ark known as the 10 commandments.
Note the Bible in Hebrew is called the MIKra.
Ra is a Hebrew word meaning Father in Heaven (not to be confused with Egypts deity), therefore the word is revealing MIKE the Father IN Heaven.
Also it holds the 'staff' (HaShevet) of Aaron, Moshiach is also the staff (HaShevet) and in Numbers /Korach 17: 25
(careful there's a different verse number in the NT)
Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel. This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."
The "staff" (HaShevet) being the leader of the nation.
This is like saying in his day put the real staff in the ark but also in the future events meaning put back the staff of Aaron aka the Kohanim before the ark of Testimony (in the Temple). In other words it's Moshiachs role as the liberator like Moses(deut)to bring back the ones who right it is (the Kohanim) back into their proper place at the Temple. Not the imposter temple in Rome but in the one to come the MIKdash in Jerusalem.
Conclusion: This is why Isaiah 66 says the gentiles will in this time finally see
G-d, which means they never had him at heart until the veil be removed by Moshiach. (IS 25:7)
Which by now you should secret the name.