
by A Paduan 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    What does the term "morality" first conjure up in the jw mind ?

    1. Caring for the social concerns of others
    2. Looking after ones own religious prospects
    3. Looking after and grooming ones own body
    4. Not having sex (at least not outside the 'sex rules')
    5. Obeying the rules
    6. Doing what's right regardless of the rules
  • DHL


    4. Not having sex (at least not outside the 'sex rules')

    5. Obeying the rules

    I can't see morality in a healthy sense.

    Example: My father emailed me last week to also tell me the following: My parents had thought about visiting my grandma who had knee surgery and is in a recovery facility at the moment but decided against visiting her because they wanted to spare the money for the international convention they have to visit in July. That's morality as described in No. 5! Needless to say how my grandma would feel if she knew about my parents priorities!

  • greendawn

    For them morality is identified with the fear of God, it is the letter that has to be followed and not the spirit behind the letter. All mainstream Christian religions wish to uphold moral principles, at least that's what they declare, but none do so in the legalistic and fear ridden way that the dubs do.

  • parakeet

    A Paduan:
    ***What does the term "morality" first conjure up in the jw mind ?
    1. Caring for the social concerns of others
    2. Looking after ones own religious prospects
    3. Looking after and grooming ones own body
    4. Not having sex (at least not outside the 'sex rules')
    5. Obeying the rules
    6. Doing what's right regardless of the rules***

    If you're asking a question, I would eliminate 1 and 6, then list the rest in order of importance to JWs: 5, 4, 3, 2.

  • under_believer

    The #1 preoccupation is sex. JW's think about sex more than any other group of people in the world. Except for people in the porn industry I guess. :)

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